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Thanks y’all. Sorry for not giving feedback on my initial post. Anyway, I finally bought my first DSLR. I was thinking about a Nikon D80, but then a friend offered me a brandnew D40 for almost nothing (she bought it only to find out that her husband bought her a D80 for Christmas)

It is the perfect little camera to start with SLR-photography I think, and as it has costed me almost nothing, I have some money left to buy lenses. (the set lens that comes with it is excellent as well) The only problem with that is that the D40 only support AF on a limited no. of lenses, but nevertheless enough choice. I have set my eyes on a 30mm/f1.4 sigma, and the Nikon 18-200mm VR-lens (vibration reduction) to start with.

I still have to practice a lot, it takes some time to get used to all the new functions and possibilities.

And when I think it is time to move on, I can always buy a new body from whatever more upscale camera’s Nikon is offering in the near future.

My first ( I hope) decent shot: