Re: Re: Becoming a better photographer: How did you do it?

Forums Forums Get Technical Farktography tech talk Becoming a better photographer: How did you do it? Re: Re: Becoming a better photographer: How did you do it?


I have taken a 35mm class, learned the darkroom basics, and I am now using my first digital SLR. How do I progress from being a novice? I understand (in a ‘book’ sense) photography, and I have experimented with my camera. How can I learn to determine, relatively quickly, the settings for my camera in a given siutation? What did you to go from novice to intermediate and beyond?

practice practice practice! bring your camera everywhere. be ‘that guy’ – the guy who is always taking pictures. your friends will get used to it. as you shoot more you’ll start to get a sense of your style – what it is that you really like when you see the end result. and the more you shoot, the better sense you get of what the results are when you try different things – great DOF, shallow DOF, second curtain shutter, long exposures, etc. set up tests – same subject with all different type of exposures. what does it look like at f2/8? how about at f32 with a shutter speed of 1/8? practice and play, you’ll start to figure out what you like and how you want to shoot. and it’s digital, so you have all your exposure info in the metadata and you have no worries about wasting film! have fun!!!