1-17-07 – WTF?

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  • #7929

    😯 Best voting I’ve ever gotten, ever, and it’s potty humor! sob.

    [beat head on wall]

    [back to ignoring votes]


    Awww, but ya have to admit it’s a funny damn thread. Very Fark lol


    Heh, welcome to the club anne! My name is now permanently affixed to an image of barbie being cooked by trolls!

    Voting aside, that straws shot is really damn cool. It still screws with my head every time I look at it.


    Elsinore, very true… Curious, I am still giggling about your Miss Juvy road sign. If it were mine, I’d be sorely tempted to give it a little bouquet and crown somewhere.

    Miller, the straws didn’t come out at all like I expected they would. I’m not complaining, I’m actually kind of fascinated, myself. I think if I’d gotten it earlier in the day, I wouldn’t have had to play around with the plant lights, and gotten something tamer than the funky reflections up the straws. Let’s hear it for procrastiation!


    if any of you missed the reference CaptainJim made you really ought to at a look at this


    thanks anneb i might do that. i travel past that sign regularly and it took this contest for me to actually stop and take the picture.

    i do giggle every time i see it.


    Yeah, I meant to ask about that Curious. A lot of people in that thread were crying “fake” but no one ever fessed up to being the submitter so we never got an answer. So yeah, Jim, was that a fake thing that you made so that you could watch the chaos you created in the thread, or is that thing real? If it’s real, let me be the first to say that I can relate to the way you think and I would like to sign up for your newsletter…

    Also, Curious I loved the Freudian typo in the caption for the “Miss. Juvenile” picture. Comedy gold, even if it wasn’t intentional!


    tittle — odd have spell check in firefox and it doesn’t see that as a misspelling.

    my Random House Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary says “a dot or other small mark in writing or printing, used as a diacritic, punctuation, etc.” so that may be why.

    but you’re right millera9 it was a typo.

    or was it 🙂

    and unfortunately that link is Total Fark only.


    haha I laughed out loud at that sign, Curious. It definitely got one of my (many) votes. And yeah, the Freudian typo was great–I kept reading it as tittie lol


    😯 Best voting I’ve ever gotten, ever, and it’s potty humor! sob.

    [beat head on wall]

    [back to ignoring votes]

    My first win came from gluing buttons to a chicken. It’s Fark, take it for what its worth 😉

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