11-27-13 – If I had a Hammer: Tools Two

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 11-27-13 – If I had a Hammer: Tools Two

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    Power tools, machine tools, hand tools, yard tools, tech tools and so on. If you use it to make or fix something then it’s good.

    Fluffybunny fired up the tablesaw, routed out a bit here and there, sanded it smooth, then buffed this theme to a smooth finish.


    When those with the power have a moment, could they please verify that I enabled voting on my second shot? I know I got the first and third, but the middle submit is kinda blanked on me already. I’ll be away from the PC for a few days, everyone have a great Thanksgiving.


    Please delete my B&W entry, for some reason I thought this week was machines and didn’t pay attention. Thanks!


    Barracuda: Your entries were all fine

    bender16v: I think you could argue that a machine is a tool, but I did delete it per your request.

    Hope everyone in the US had a great Thanksgiving!


    Congrats to (Be)causeISaidSo and d3euk this week!


    Thanks Els!

    // Although I gotta agree with the winner of a previous low-vote contest (I think maybe it was fluffy?) who said something like an 11-vote win just doesn’t shine quite as bright. Don’t get me wrong, that’s not a complaint at all. With the holiday & a specific theme during an already low voter turnout period, it’s expected. Just sayin’, ya know?


    Nope, wasn’t me. I can’t win if I don’t play, and sadly I haven’t played in far too long.


    It has been a long time, fluffy. Hope everything’s OK with you & yours and hope to see you in the contests again soon.


    Yeah everything’s OK with everybody, thanks. The last/first quarter for me are always busy. On top of that that I’ve put in about 500 volunteer hours in the past couple of years. I still have a camera in my hands but it’s more for events and trips. Maybe I should archive dive more but I really hate to play farktography that way. When I was playing regularly I had a great time, but even then I had to make choices about what things were not going to get done.


    Maybe I should archive dive more but I really hate to play farktography that way.

    Heck, if I didn’t archive dive, I’d rarely get to participate at all and then it’d just be too easy to walk away entirely. Besides, I actually kinda enjoy archive diving as it “lets” me periodically review/relive my past photos (and the events/trips documented therein).

    But I know exactly what you’re talking about when you say you had to decide what wasn’t going to get done. Just keep making the right decision for you & yours and know you’re welcome back any time.


    I’m generally a big archive diver myself. Some of that is due to me being aware of hoppered contests, and when they finally come up, they’re deep in the archives, some due to only having access to certain things at certain times, and some due to generic laziness.

    Some of it’s also due to the kind of photography I generally do. I don’t yet have studio space to work in, so I shoot more “in the world.”

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