Reply To: More of a Meta Theme

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How about bouncing this around a bit? Who else has some ideas for the cross-over?

I really like the cross-over idea, but I have the following concerns:

1. Not all farktographers are willing to subject their photos for photoshopping, and although I don’t understand it, I think we should respect it and try not to alienate them.

2. There doesn’t seem to be much direct communication with farktographers and photoshoppers, at least not on the scale that I think this warrants.

So, I was thinking we should either make a place in the forum for cross-over discussion with the photoshoppers and invite them over (farkshopgraphy forums?), or advertise a way for the average farktographer and photoshopper to communicate their thoughts to both groups.
I was also thinking we might want to keep this separate from the regular weekly farktography for the sake of those who’d rather not be photoshopped (and don’t want to flaunt their stodginess), and because I don’t think weekly contests are burning anyone out.

It really sounds like a lot of fun, but the pressure is kinda high to come up with the way to work it, so to lessen that load why not propose a couple different ways, try them out and play it by ear from there? (ie, this fri farktographers choose the photoshoppers’s theme and vice versa, next fri photoshoppers combine different farktographs, the fri after that farktographers and photoshoppers pair up to fulfill a theme, etc). Trying to get it perfect on the first shot is just too daunting for wimps like me.

Does anyone know if we can get greenlights on demand for this?

(note: staplermofo is a babbling old ne’er-do-well and his suggestions aren’t to be taken all that seriously)