Reply To: 5-17-06 Fruits and Vegetables

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 5-17-06 Fruits and Vegetables Reply To: 5-17-06 Fruits and Vegetables


My money is on MorningBreath, she’s cranking out both the fancy and the fun and she’s doing is every week.
But now so are Captain Jim and GalleyWench and WenchyWoman and idle_hands and monke… oh god I’m never going to win.

* sobs loudly *

My money’s totally on you for next week, since it’s your photographic specialty 😉 I can’t even find a stapler around here…gonna have to dig through some boxes that never got unpacked 3 years ago…

But yeah, I think MorningBreath will take this one, but it’s pretty close and could possibly go to someone else. I’m loving all these pics though 🙂

And Monkeybort, you keep putting your notice on your pics; it isn’t obtrusive. I debate about doing that myself every time I post something online….