Re: RE: Its getting to be that time again

Forums Forums Projects and Collaborations Photoshoptography Its getting to be that time again Re: RE: Its getting to be that time again


Bill the Cat had an idea that might be worth pursuing. those that participate in both venues shoot a photo for a particular farktography contest. they then use PS to enhance, mangle, whatever the image as an “O” in a themed PS contest. the theme being PS your photo from farktography. it wouldn’t matter to the farktography contest except that it should spur some PS folks to enter. it would reduce the entries to the photoshop part since only those that submitted to farktography would have “o”‘s. but there have been low turn out PS contest before and they have enough contests that one low count contest would go unnoticed.

we could also promote the PS contest in the boobies for the farktography contest. might make some folks enter both since they would be working with their own stuff.

sofashark suggested this: You could do a theme on paired opposites. The Farktographers do a “Black” theme, then hand it over to the PSers to pick up the “White” half, as long as they use an element of at least one photograph that was entered.

the following discussion produced this in my part: farktography recently had a theme of “your style” or words to that effect. a variation might be shot in so and so’s style (giving credit to who you are emulating) and the PS crowd could then enhance the photo to make it match a painter. ansel adams meets georgia o’keefe.

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico with “White” blended in.