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these comments were recently made in the psaef regarding the crossover
2006-11-03 01:51:02 PM LightGiver [TotalFark]
I have an idea for a Fark cross over to throw into the kitty. something like this…
photoshop one of the top 50 (or so) Farktography shots from a Farktography theme contest… assign the Farktography shots a number, maybe random.. and probably secret to the identity of the pic. then the Fark photoshoppers pick a number or maybe have a number (or link of the pic) assigned to them, or enter the crossover contest to get a pic to use they have to shop that pic they get like from a quick pick lottery pool or something. and then when the photoshopper posts his photoshop he also posts the original along with the makers name into the photoshop contest. Once the photoshopper posts the photoshopped farkography pic he can get another one to do. This may be redundant or needs tweaking but I gotta go now. Later
2006-11-03 02:41:05 PM And-1 [TotalFark]
LightGiver: I have an idea for a Fark cross over
Not that is a bad idea or anything – actually I quite like it – but if you can’t explain it in one short sentence then it is too complicated for Fark.
Yes, the people around here are morans, present company excepted, of course….
2006-11-03 05:11:51 PM LightGiver [TotalFark]
And 1 short sentence
Fark crossover contest:
The top 50 “0’s” from a Farktography theme contest shall be available for photoshopping by Fark photoshoppers who may request an “0” from Farktography central services whereas the “0” shall be posted along with the makers name and the photoshop enabling the photoshopper to wash rinse repeat.
Boy… Life ain’t easy
2006-11-03 10:52:57 PM Brian O’Blivion [TotalFark]
LightGiver I have an idea for a Farktography cross over
I see where you’re going with that. Here’s another take on it:
Take any image from the Farktography thread and Photoshop it to fit the stated PS thread theme.
Takes one sentence to describe, thus fufilling And-1’s pragmatic corollary:
If you can’t explain it in one short sentence then it is too complicated for Fark.
Gives PS’ers maximum flexibility and choice.
Partly overcomes the limitation that a a good Farktograph and a good PS thread s`o’urce can be entirely different animals.
Requires no thread or entrant synchronization: As soon as the Farktography thread is posted, the PS’ers are in business.
Assigns no weight to Farktography thread voting results.
The Farktographers know what the PS theme will be, right from the start, so they can use their ingenuity to create what they think are `shoppable images.
You can’t PS your own Farktograph.
Personal opinion
I’d be very interested to see which Farktographs inspired Photoshoppers the most. The Farktographers might find that interesting too.
/ne illegitimi carborundum
Veni, vidi, it tastes like chicken.