Give Me Reasons why people should buy the Farktography Book!

Forums Forums Projects and Collaborations Projects Give Me Reasons why people should buy the Farktography Book!

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    I have to write up a summary for the publisher of reasons people would want to buy the book. I already have numbers for the number of active participants in Farktography/photographers in the book/users on Fark etc.
    What I want to know is, if you were a regular person in a bookstore, what would attract you to this book, if anything? What are reasons why those people would buy it?


    Are there any stats on the popularity of either coffee table books as a genre or photo-books in general?

    I am not a regular person in a bookstore when it comes to this subject, so I don’t feel I can be objective, unfortunately.

    My mom (who is now {*shudders*} set up on Fark) suggested approaching Costco as a retailer, btw. Don’t ask me how to go about it–neither I nor she knows. But I have seen they carry coffee table books, at reasonable prices below ‘retail’ (which is a 40% markup typically, at least–and that I do know from working at the college bookstore for 10 years and selling trade books on the side).

    Gifts to family and friends who like photography?


    WE hAvE tHE caT It WiLL be reTurneD unHarMed if yOU buY thE BOOk

    (sorry, couldn’t help it)


    WE hAvE tHE caT It WiLL be reTurneD unHarMed if yOU buY thE BOOk

    (sorry, couldn’t help it)

    LOL, but it’s been done:

    Reasons I think the book will stand out from the other photo books:

      – a wide variety of photographers and styles. For single artist books, people tend to either love or hate a majority of the content.
      – the mix of fun and serious photos, taken with the full range of equipment and skill levels, from hobby shooters to pros. Variety again, but a different kind.
      – the fact that anyone with a camera and an image host can get published. That’s hugely inspirational to me personally, and it gives the book a feel-good angle that books by established photographers do not have.

    it’s a conversation piece (as are most coffee table books) and the people who buy the book can actually participate and become a farktographer themselves. I don’t know how to work that in, but i think it would be an interesting draw to other photographers out there


    “Farktography is not a book about photography, nor is it a book about the Internet, it is a book about how we use the Internet to speak about what is meaningful to us as people. Some of the photographers are professionals, most are just hobbyist who like to share their joy and passion with the world around them. Fark provides a virtual, ever changing gallery for the contributors and viewers to stroll through, exposing both sides to art, humor, family and society unfettered by the prism of contemporary fads and fashions maintained by an academy of self titled elites who dominate the art photography web world.

    The readers of Farktography can turn the pages of this book and see themselves, their family and friends enshrined in these pages. The readers can see that beauty is not the sole province of the professional photographer with huge investments in specialized equipment and training, it is there for all to capture and display. A reader does not need to know what Fark is anymore than they need to know the difference between and f-stop and ISO setting. All the reader will see is themselves reflected back from the pages.

    Farktography is not a book about photography or about the Internet, it is a book about how we use both of these mediums, the true marriage of media and user created content in the 21st Century. It is what we all hoped the Internet would be when first saw the flickers on our screens and dream it remains into the future”


    Um wow this^^^




    ennui, that’s poetry.


    ennuipoet i really like what you wrote but in the first paragraph but would change “Fark” to “The Farktography contests provide …..” in the third sentence.



    After minor editing, I’m using that and it’s probably going on the back cover.


    Very nice!


    Thank you all. I will just say that I have written a few book proposals from time to time. It is much easier when you already have the interest of the publisher 😀 It is also easier to write about something one is passionate about, and Fark, Farktography and the Book are things I am pretty passionate about!

    ETA: Edits from one or many are the soul of writing, edit away!


    Give Me Reasons why people should buy the Farktography Book!

    Duh! Because I’m in it!

    Seriously, though, I’m trying to convince my store manager to carry a few copies when it comes out. And yes, Ennuipoet’s prose would make great copy for the back cover.

    We’re all going on a national booksigning tour when this comes out, right?


    Give Me Reasons why people should buy the Farktography Book!

    Duh! Because I’m in it!

    Seriously, though, I’m trying to convince my store manager to carry a few copies when it comes out. And yes, Ennuipoet’s prose would make great copy for the back cover.

    We’re all going on a national booksigning tour when this comes out, right?

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