HD Mars Curiosity descent video

Forums Forums News Articles and Info HD Mars Curiosity descent video

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    Not really related to photography, but I know a lot of us here are into astronomy so I thought I’d share this. Some dude on reddit just posted a link to a 1080p, 30fps, true motion-flow interpolation, color and detail enhanced video he made from the original NASA 4fps Curiousity descent video. Details from his reddit post:

    It took 29 days from start to finish, working full-time on it for the last week. This was the hardest, most laborious media project that I?ve ever done. But I don’t regret a minute of it.

    The video is full-resolution, detail-enhanced, color-corrected, smooth motion-interpolated from the original 4 frames per second to 30 frames per second. It plays real-time at the speed that Curiosity descended onto the surface of Mars on August 6.

    I used forensic detail enhancement, true motion-flow interpolation to give it the smooth 30fps motion. To my knowledge, no one else online has used this method for any Curiosity footage. (I?ll be certain to do it again for any upcoming HD videos from Mars!)

    The speed is matched to the 4fps speed of the original footage.

    The video itself is here: http://youtu.be/Esj5juUzhpU . Probably the closest any of us will ever get to knowing what it feels like to land on Mars.

    Edited to fix punctuation in link


    Way cool!

    BTW, you got punctuation in your video link… extraneous period at the end; leads to a 404.

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