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    So, for X-mas, Santa brought me a Holga 120 Camera 3D Slide Viewer steroscope and some 120 stereo slide holders to match, but I’ve been lazy all year long. I’d taken some pictures with the intent of producing stereograms, but never got around to it until tonight. (Part of the problem was not enough memory on the laptop to run the alignment software, but that got solved over a month ago.) After doing the alignment and cropping, I did the page layout and captions in Visio. (My cutlines were a bit small for the slide mounts, but not more than a millimeter off.) Then print them on transparency film, cut them out with a steel rule and rotary cutter, mount, and…

    I believe the appropriate excalmation of amazement is “eye-popping!” The results were better than I expected. The only problem with the resulting slides is the lower text isn’t offset enough to appear at the proper distance in the foreground, and 300 DPI doesn’t compare to 120 film resolution wise.

    Clicky for 300 ppi original, in case you care to check them out using your prefered 3D viewing method.

    Now I need to find more things to photograph. I’m thinking the Organ mountains would look good from the east. I also might set up some party lights at random locations in space and see if I can get 3D bokeh.

    Edit: Holey fark! I can actually see these in 3D on screen, by diverging my eyes. I’ve tried it before, but never gotten it to work, and the cross-eye stereograms just swam around for me and never aligned. Give it a try yourself. Just imagine you’re looking at something behind your monitor.


    Yup, they work! I’m much more partial to cross-eyed viewing as it allows for using larger images (unless you’re Marty Feldman, with chameleon DNA, apparently).

    Side trivia: easy subs for 3D images can be had by simply mashing down the shutter button pointed out the car window as you speed down the highway. This is assuming you want pictures that look like they’re taken from a moving vehicle (gawd I hate those :lol:).

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