The *Other* Holy War

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  • #1890

    We’ve had Canon vs Nikon, so I figured Win vs Mac vs Linux would be appropriate as well…

    [damn, I thought I’d added an “other” option…]


    You can edit it to add more options.


    You can edit it to add more options.

    Where? The initial post doesn’t seem to have the poll options any more, and I don’t see any other edit button.


    So voting for CMOS boot only is right out….. Good thing I *finally* junked the 8086 that I kept around specifically for playing Oregon Trail from the floppy.


    Eh…I’m running Windows right now, but might be making the switch to Mac in a few months before moving.


    No options needed. Windows, Mac and Linux are completely different beasts.

    I’ll keep “suffering” with Linux, thanks.


    Hey there’s two of us Linux people, so you aren’t alone.


    It does what I tell it to do, and I’m good with that.


    I’ve had a mac for a while, but the main reason for that is work-a lot of astronomical software doesn’t run on windows. All of it runs on linux, of course, and on the mac UNIX framework. At the time I got my first mac, I wasn’t really too aware of linux stuff, and by the time I was aware enough of it to acknowledge it as at least an equal contender (if not better than the alternatives), I already had my mac.


    FWIW, my aunt uses a Mac for her photography, a program called ‘Aperture’, which FWICT is something like ‘Photoshop’. She’s lost two hard drives in 2 months, and the program has been eating her pictures with abandon. She’s pretty pissed off about it and Apple has been little to no help.


    I’ve had a mac for a while, but the main reason for that is work-a lot of astronomical software doesn’t run on windows. All of it runs on linux, of course, and on the mac UNIX framework. At the time I got my first mac, I wasn’t really too aware of linux stuff, and by the time I was aware enough of it to acknowledge it as at least an equal contender (if not better than the alternatives), I already had my mac.

    For me it’s the opposite. Seems most chemistry software we use at work is Windows-based, so for future schooling I’ll need to hold onto the Windows laptop, at least for structure-drawing.


    So along these lines, what’s the most screwed up/ingenious hardware/OS combo you’ve come across? I’ve seen a VME frame running a highly hacked Windows 98 from a flash drive, and a fellow I went to nuke school with had a Sega Saturn ported with Linux and an XBox running Server 2000.

    I also met the Pres/CEO of Redhat. Cool dude. “So, you want to work for me? How are you at PacMan and Flag football?”
    “Excuse me?
    “The PacMan hall of fame pretty much determines pecking order for promotions, bonuses, and the lunchline. And every Friday is ‘flag football until 10, then go home’ day”


    i ran windows for years but when vista was announced switched to ubuntu. been messing with linux since mandrake 8.1 and redhat ??. tried knoppix starting at version 5.? and unbutu 7 thereabouts. so i built a new box with less than bleeding edge parts but still good for the day including an AMD64 processor and installed 64 bit ubuntu.

    and was really underwhelmed. no flash, lots of programs were under powered and while there was some great stuff using either ubuntu or kububtu meant being under the hood a lot. once i found ubuntu never bothered with any other distros although fan boys i knew were pushing them. again all their comments were about how they tweaked this or that. all i wanted was to boot and use the damn machine.

    jump forward a few years and last febuary i built another new box and installed win 7 on it. i’d stayed with XP Pro and skipped vista altogether except for when i had to help a friend who has it. overall i like it. it isn’t as stable as XP since it locks up/freezes some but it does all i need, runs all my older programs and i seldom have to mess with it. downloading and installing stuff is easy and there are lots of toys for it.

    i do have a triple boot box that has ubuntu 10.10 and i’ll continue to check it out since i am after all Curious.

    my sister, who is a luddite, went from an emachine with XP which she had multiple problems with to a new iMac which she loves. part of that is because the folks she hangs out with IRL are all mac fan boys and they have helped her with the transition. also she bought the extended support plan and it seems apples support actually works. or in any case has been able to help her when she had a problem.


    So voting for CMOS boot only is right out….. Good thing I *finally* junked the 8086 that I kept around specifically for playing Oregon Trail from the floppy.

    my triple boot has a 5.25 floppy. you know just for giggles. and a LS120 and a 100MB zip drive. all the legacy stuff went into that box. like a 14″ flatbed scanner that needs a SCSI adapter card and has win 98 software.

    the triple boot is ubuntu 10.10, XP Pro and win 98SE.

    and while we are on the subject grub2 sucks. it took me forever to get the triple boot to work since i couldn’t just edit menu.lst.


    Vista was the turning point for me as well. I played around with PCLOS, LinuxMint, Ubuntu and a couple of other distros. I settled on Ubuntu for its familiar feel; being Windows-like was a must for me as a linux n00b.

    Gotta say Ubuntu has cleaned up well in the past couple years. No more wireless issues, graphic card detection is well-polished and it seems they’ve got support for all the web-based goodies mostly ironed out (flash, etc). I still find the occasional site that doesn’t play nice with firefox/ubuntu, but it’s become a rarity.

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