Reply To: 7-12-06 Shadows

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new features?? seriously, I’m with Veruca–I thought it did everything already!

There’s the proper accounting of “on-behalf-of” entries (assuming that OBO’ing isn’t soon against the rules)

I want to rework “greatest farktograher evar|recent” to handle total votes, finishing place (1st, 2nd, …), total entries, average votes per, and that sort of thing. Maybe I’ll use that polarizer equation I posted. Or just hard code idle_hands as the greatest and be done with it.

I can probably automate (and continuously update) a finishing place per contest report (think a contest page that shows the entries and those entries’ ranks (1st, 2nd, … 18th)). Auto-account for DQs and augment the farktographer portfolio to show this info.

And I want to expose an easier way to get to the porfolios. Sure, searching is easy enough, but using a URL such as “http://…/fsm/portfolio/html/logomancer” would be easier, and bookmarkable.

Probably need to cull the useless and/or redundant reports.

And then there’s all sorts of internal engineering improvements.

Or, I could just go make photographs.