Re: Re: When do you vote?


Just got home from work and posted my three pics, and I see there’s already 230-something posts ahead of mine. Seeing this and the “I’m impressed” post from pre-11PM last night makes me wonder exactly how up against a wall Fark Freebie folks like me are.

Do you TFers vote before going to bed, possibly before the contest even hits Fark Cheapskate’s front page, and not go back? Do you wait till first thing in the morning and never go back, or do you check in at night and then revisit later when the cheapskates have a chance to participate and see if they contributed anything worth voting for?

The wall is pretty huge. I try not to vote until 10AM or so, but the waiters are a minority.

For what it’s worth, here’s a break up of how people have looked at the thread (from my site’s monitor, divide by 3 for page hits, add three hours for fark time)
Jun/ 7/06 5:00 PM? 6:00 PM 324
Jun/ 7/06 6:00 PM? 7:00 PM 341
Jun/ 7/06 7:00 PM? 8:00 PM 270
Jun/ 7/06 8:00 PM? 9:00 PM 285
Jun/ 7/06 9:00 PM?10:00 PM 1014
Jun/ 7/06 10:00 PM?11:00 PM 2820
Jun/ 7/06 11:00 PM?12:00 AM 1339
Jun/ 8/06 12:00 AM? 1:00 AM 611

So, while some (most?) of the voting is done before green-lighting, most of the views come after it.
Then there are the people who vote (or don’t, in that copyright issue debacle) for all the wrong reasons.

So, even if you don’t get #1, rest assured that I’m (and probably quite a few others) a big fan of your stuff.

That said, TF is worth the $5 if you post more than 10x/week.