10-24-07 – Powers of Two

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 10-24-07 – Powers of Two

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    RcMacStudent: Statuary typically isn’t detailed to the point of being graphic, and I’ve showed the photo in question to other mods who felt it was SFW, so I think bobroberts is ok. Paintings could be more detailed, though if they’re truly classic art pieces, they should be ok, though everything’s judged on a case by case basis.

    One semi-related thought I have about photographing art installations would be that I think statuary lends itself more to Farktography entries, as compared to just taking a picture of a painting, unless that composition includes something of the larger scene/context, e.g. the painting hanging in a gallery with people looking at it. With statuary, you can do creative things with the lighting and/or angles, but if you just shoot a painting with no other context, you’re in essence just copying the work, and I wouldn’t think that would be appropriate for Farktography. Just my 2 cents, and we haven’t had anything like that come up, but it could at some point.

    soosh: We’ve discussed digital cross-processing before; monkeybort is fond of the technique, and I’ve done some autolevel stuff that resulted in a cross-processed appearance which really works for some photos. Regardless, IIRC, we had a weak consensus that if it was done evenly across the image, it’s in keeping with the rules. I say weak mostly because I don’t remember any of us having really strong opinions for or against, but I’ve slept since then, so my memory could be wrong. There’s a thread on it somewhere on here…I’ll see if I can find it. In your example above, I don’t see how it’s much different from a monotone treatment (which is certainly allowed)–it looks a lot like a cyanotype. Anyone else have an opinion on the technique?


    Id say if the goal of limiting the use of digital manipulation to keep it similar to what can be done on film and in a darkroom Id say that digital cross-processing is fine since its just emulating something that is done with film.



    That’s a beautiful photo, and I wouldn’t balk if you used it in a contest. In my mind, as long as it’s something that could be achieved with normal film, I’m okay with it. Super-manipulated photos just aren’t fair, in my opinion, because not all of us have the time or ability to “massage” an image to create what we’d like to see.

    Edited to add: Ha….linguine beat me to the punch


    so Elsinore, do you have a thing with bugs doing it? Cause this is the third contest I have noticed you putting a picture in like that. 😛

    /Not that there is anything wrong with that!
    //Not sure what it says about me either as I have noticed this 😛


    I’m sitting this one out, folks. I got nothing & don’t want to enter something that’s just pro forma. Have fun!


    so Elsinore, do you have a thing with bugs doing it? Cause this is the third contest I have noticed you putting a picture in like that. 😛

    /Not that there is anything wrong with that!
    //Not sure what it says about me either as I have noticed this 😛


    /it’s my staplers



    /it’s my staplers

    I love the leg jutting out to the side of the bug on top. Makes him look like he’s really into it…haha


    heh heh, it’s actually the 5th time in the past 1.5 years that I’ve used a bug pr0n shot. Mating bugs aren’t quite as versatile as staplers, though I’ve had more opportunity to use them here lately. 😛


    I think I screwed up the link, when I click on it, it goes to this weeks theme. it says it should go to contest 130, but contest 129 shows up.


    I love the leg jutting out to the side of the bug on top. Makes him look like he’s really into it…haha

    hehe thanks 😉 That leg was actually touching the camera lens, but the full-on penetration shot was worth it 😉


    Hmm not sure what happened, Morningbreath, but I’ll submit a correction to the admins. Great George Washington Monument btw.



    /it’s my staplers

    I love the leg jutting out to the side of the bug on top. Makes him look like he’s really into it…haha


    Uhhhh……….huh-huh. You, like, fap to bug porn. Huh-huh.


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