12-18-13 – Hit Me With Your Best Shot

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    Show us the best of your photography. Any subject, any style. No difficulties or other limitations beyond the standard rules.

    Orionid gave his all for this theme!


    In the Themes thread for this contest you suggested it might be an annual contest like Season’s Greetings.

    1) Do we already have a Year’s Best thread, or not?

    2) If we do not, why not move this to the week after Season’s Greetings to minimize “OMG I forgot to shoot because of crazy holidays!”

    3) If we do, then why cluster them all in late December and make this a Christmas in July type thing and offer it around July 4-ish coupled with a Patriotism or My Country ‘Tis of Thee theme 2-week annual tradition/urgency break? (End of school/graduation season can get screwy for those with kids or in the school system’s calendar grip).

    I’m not suggesting moving this to June/July this time, just tossing it out there for consideration. (If we go with #2, I’d suggest moving it, however, because it’s only a 2 week delay, not 6 months.)


    We’ve done a B-sides in late December, and then of course we have the annual Farktography Anniversary theme in May that is essentially a Year’s Best thread. One of the benefits to having this type of contest in December is because the holidays are kind of crazy making on everyone’s schedules regardless of what they do or don’t celebrate (there’s a metric assload of winter holidays in late Nov through Dec either way). I originally intended this to be scheduled after Season’s Greetings 7, but then the way the weeks fall in December, Season’s Greetings was going to fall on Christmas week, then the following week would be New Year’s. I kinda figured the week before Christmas might be super crazy making, so having a wide open theme might be good for that, though I’m open to pushing it back to the first week of January. We’d need a fairly wide open theme to schedule for the 18th, though. Anyone have any thoughts/opinions on this?


    I like the idea of making this a periodical contest. As for its timing, I’m good with whatever y’all decide, but I agree with Els that we need some pretty easy, open themes around the holiday times. For me at least, Christmas time is always much busier than anything in June or July.


    I suggested late June/early July due to the fact that it’s near the end of the school year and for some of us with kids or in the educational system, that’s a crazy time. But I’m usually good for planning ahead on my shots, so it doesn’t matter as much. I was thinking of others.


    I like an open-themed December to combat the holiday lull.


    Can we reuse shots for this theme? I know the description says “standard rules” but many of us may have already submitted the “best of our photography”. 🙂


    I’d be inclined to say no, since we do that for the anniversary theme, but if orionid would like to allow it, I’m ok with it.


    Is anybody else having trouble picking 3 “best”?

    I shoot so many different things, I just had to go with 3 really good ones of way different things. Besides, some of my best, I’ve used already.


    I wouldve been ok with changing it to 10 entries for this week.


    I wouldve been ok with changing it to 10 entries for this week.

    Wouldn’t have helped. Then I’d be agonizing over 30 candidates trying to pick 10 instead of 10 trying to pick 3. 🙂


    It’s not so hard when everything you shoot is awesome ;P

    You just start coin flipping until you get to 3.


    And I’m back after a 3.5 year absence with a decent performance.

    FWIW I didn’t really pick a ‘best’. I went to my most recent ‘random photos’ gallery and picked my favorite. I’m not going to sweat entering three photos when one is usually only barely adequate in the first place.


    And I’m back after a 3.5 year absence with a decent performance.

    Welcome back! It has been quite a while; you’ve been gone since before I even started!

    And FWIW, I think your puppy shot is adorable and ought to be doing even better than it is. But, I’m probably on the wrong side of the fence on the dog vs cat adoration on Fark. 😉

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