4-24-13 – I Went to___ and All I Got Was This Lousy___

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    Tangible souvenirs – things brought back from vacations or out of town visits. They do not have to be purchased (sea shells from the beach, for example), but they do have to be things (sun burns and social diseases do not count).

    This theme will always remind us of Yugoboy.


    Does it have to be something from a trip/vacation that you went on, or can it be something that someone brought back for you?


    I don’t see why it would be a problem if it were brought back for you. Not like anyone’s checking up on the original ownership.


    I don’t see why it would be a problem if it were brought back for you. Not like anyone’s checking up on the original ownership.

    Exactly. There’s no requirement to post a receipt. It’s still a souvenir.


    What if I temporarily lived in a vacation spot? Would I be excluded from anything Hawai’ian?


    Another question, could the crappy tourist junk still be for sale? Cuz for all I have endless tons of junk around my apartment, I don’t have a single thing which would fit in the category.* (The last thing I bought was a tshirt like this (http://alienzoneroswellnm.com/catalog.htm?item=15) from Roswell in 1996. I, however, live in a City just vomiting cheap, tacky tasteless souvenir trash all over the place.

    *I am just not the tourist type, if I go places I try every hard to look like I belong there. It comes from a decade of going places where I wasn’t wanted and the local folks might very well kill me.


    ennuipoet – I can’t see why not.

    orionid – I don’t think so. You’re not in Hawai’i now, so why would anything Hawai’i be verboten? I don’t think ennuipoet would be likely to post Yankees stuff, but if he had visited Detroit, he certainly could do something with Tigers stuff he bought while there.

    Not that anybody’s going to be doing an audit… I certainly won’t.


    Do souvenirs have to be touristy things? Like, I try to find a rock I can legally take back home from places I go.


    Do souvenirs have to be touristy things? Like, I try to find a rock I can legally take back home from places I go.

    This is ABSOLUTELY within the rules. On the theme page, I even said it didn’t have to be things you bought, just things. My wife does the same thing (rocks), my sister-in-law collects little jars of sand, etc.

    As long as it’s not a social disease, I’d say it’s in.


    ennuipoet – I can’t see why not.

    orionid – I don’t think so. You’re not in Hawai’i now, so why would anything Hawai’i be verboten? I don’t think ennuipoet would be likely to post Yankees stuff, but if he had visited Detroit, he certainly could do something with Tigers stuff he bought while there.

    Not that anybody’s going to be doing an audit… I certainly won’t.

    Sweet….. but Oddmind is screwed, because IIRC, she still lives there.


    My wife does the same thing (rocks), my sister-in-law collects little jars of sand, etc.

    Appreciated a good jar of sand,..


    Heh… my theme and I don’t have anything for it yet… looks like it’s gonna be a late night tonight!


    ennuipoet – I can’t see why not.

    orionid – I don’t think so. You’re not in Hawai’i now, so why would anything Hawai’i be verboten? I don’t think ennuipoet would be likely to post Yankees stuff, but if he had visited Detroit, he certainly could do something with Tigers stuff he bought while there.

    Not that anybody’s going to be doing an audit… I certainly won’t.

    Sweet….. but Oddmind is screwed, because IIRC, she still lives there.

    Been there a 5 or 6 times, but for no longer than three weeks each. Since I WAS living each time I visited, I guess I lived there. But I’ve always voted in California.

    And I don’t have a damned thing for this contest. Yet.


    Elsinore, we just got redlighted.

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