6-12-13 – Square^2

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 6-12-13 – Square^2

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  • #3007

    Give us your images in a 1:1 ratio.No difficulties, looking for wide-open themege.

    ravnostic is hip to be square with this theme!


    Square photos?

    Oh to have a medium format camera right now!


    Square photos?

    Oh to have a medium format camera right now!

    No difficulties; crop to 1:1! (I requested this theme as a classic as its the first one where I got into the top 10 evar.)


    Does anyone know if its possible to search through your flickr stream for photos of a specific dimension?


    What’s flickr?

    (aka, sorry, no. Technically I have an acct; never use it.)


    linguine: As far as I know, no there isn’t, unless you’ve tagged something with “square crop” or something similar.

    Contest linky: http://www.fark.com/comments/7785406


    What’s flickr?

    Its this website with an annoying new layout.


    ^^You can say that two times…


    What’s flickr?

    Its this website with an annoying new layout.

    More annoying even than the new GIS features… bleah!

    Why does everybody have to redesign to become more like Windows 8?

    Regardless of whatever improvements may or may not have been made under the hood, Win8 sucks as far as user-friendliness or usefulness. I am hoping against hope that by the time I finally pull the trigger on the new machine (July, maybe) Win8 will be updated to include an option to switch default to the more traditional layout.

    Some “features” of Windows have never been needed. How many of you actually use the Windows Aero shit? That windows flipping thing? Seriously? Waste of resources and too much bloat. There’s a reason it’s not part of the advertised features of Win8. Unneeded and unused.

    Why do people gotta fix what ain’t broken?

    They don’t redesign cars that way. It’s not like next year’s Corolla is going to have bench seats without backs so you can reach the back seat easier. Next year’s Dodge Rams aren’t going to be designed with the stereo built into the door to make it easier to reach. Next year’s Jeeps aren’t going to all of a sudden going to get front wheel drive and a rear-mounted engine. Why does Microsoft gotta do this to us?

    If it were offered, I’d buy a machine with modern speed and storage capacity, with Windows 95. Seriously. I can’t think of a single thing except improved security, speed and capacity that I use Windows for that I wasn’t using it for in 1995. All my work and entertainment comes from non-windows programs, even today – OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Photoshop, etc, etc, etc…

    If they weren’t the only (realistic) game in town (because I ain’t locking into the Apple collective hive mind, and I’m not brave enough for Linux), I’d be jumping ship. Maybe I’ll get lucky and be able to get an Android computer someday.

    OK… rant over.


    ennuipoet, if you keep posting pictures like these, you’re going to make me actually want to visit NYC. For me, Toronto is the BIG city and a very cosmopolitan international one at that. I grew up with “NYC crime” horror stories, and now live with “NYC cost of living” horror stories… My desire to visit has only ever been for a few specific places (Ellis Island, Tenement Museum, Empire State Building, Chinatown…) You’re actually making the place attractive…


    ennuipoet, if you keep posting pictures like these, you’re going to make me actually want to visit NYC. For me, Toronto is the BIG city and a very cosmopolitan international one at that. I grew up with “NYC crime” horror stories, and now live with “NYC cost of living” horror stories… My desire to visit has only ever been for a few specific places (Ellis Island, Tenement Museum, Empire State Building, Chinatown…) You’re actually making the place attractive…

    You should submit this comment to the City of New York Tourist Board with the recommendation they immediately hire me as their primary photographer!

    The truth is, finding shots in the City is 50% knowing where and when to go 30% luck and 20% skill. All the skill in the world don’t do nothing if you don’t know where to go, and get lucky finding people or things when you get there.

    Plus, I admit it, I am still in love with this City, even with all the crap I put up with living here. I like to think the love is really what makes the photos.


    Not to be picky, but can someone ask bob ross to repost his Venus transit shot in a square format?


    Had a hard time picking shots for this one, not because I had so few, but too many. (good problem to have I know) So here’s a few B-sides:

    Bee macro: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-66f5Uz85Yo8/UbR_co7RWUI/AAAAAAAARlQ/2_kG4cU5ZcA/s720/IMG_8173.jpg

    Blue heron profile: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-g3GT9r0R2DY/UbSLUPtSg2I/AAAAAAAARmM/tigDl9ijcVw/s720/IMG_1494.jpg

    Campagnolo Super Record ‘on black’: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-SkbWnSwaX_8/UbSAObdZlyI/AAAAAAAARlY/hwIrlcowfpE/s720/IMG_0167.jpg


    Not to be picky, but can someone ask bob ross to repost his Venus transit shot in a square format?

    Wow, good catch. I looked at that several times and didn’t realize it wasn’t square until I looked at the exact pixel dimensions.


    I may only have the one this week unless I shoot something soon that says “square crop me.” Little time to process as I’m going, no time to archive dive.

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