8-16-06 our bodies, ourselves

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 8-16-06 our bodies, ourselves

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    Description: Everybody has it so lets shoot it. These would be SFW pictures of our skin. Be it an arm, toe, fold of fat or whatever. Even your hair, eyes, lips, and nails. Just make sure it belongs to you and shoot it.

    No faces please.

    Thanks for the description CaptainJim


    has anyone else received an unusually high number of hits to their gallery for this contest? i think people must think mine is porn or something (the title of it is ‘our bodies’, so i guess that is reasonable), because i’ve gotten over 300 hits since putting the pics up this morning (usually i’ll get about 30-40 per gallery).




    I can’t keep page states because I’m too cheap to pay for hosting and use the space provided by work. At least I dont’ have any bandwith restrictions.


    I haven’t had a huge spike yet, but one of mine is a an ankle/foot, and I’m waiting for the foot fetish people to crawl out of the woodwork on that one! 😯


    no big diff, but i have 12,000 hits per day…


    I haven’t had a huge spike yet, but one of mine is a an ankle/foot, and I’m waiting for the foot fetish people to crawl out of the woodwork on that one! 😯

    we had a simul post..

    i was hovering , had two screens open in the thread refresh refresh refresh, clicked post asap.. i was sure that others would do what i did


    I noticed that–how kool! You’re my first…simulpost…


    saw this in the Farktography thread:
    2006-08-16 08:26:49 PM veruca [TotalFark]

    thanks Curious for the wonderful posting of the boobies this evening.

    i was happy to do it since Farktography has given me so much. however were it not for the preview feature there would have been half a boobie since my copy paste fu was weak tonight.

    what did surprise me was that within a minute of posting the boobies 4 folks had posted pictures and by the time i got mine in at a minute and a half 7 folks had posted.

    i liked tonights, good theme (thanks CaptianJim) and good entries.


    what did surprise me was that within a minute of posting the boobies 4 folks had posted pictures and by the time i got mine in at a minute and a half 7 folks had posted.

    i was sure more people were going to do what i did, so i sat on latest links and hit refresh til the thread came up, then i had two tabs open in the thread, one with my post, the other i hit refresh til i saw the blurb.. i posted 14 secs after your post was hosted..

    sure i wasn’t going to be the only one doing finger over the lens…



    This contest has convinced me a farktography party is a bad idea.

    You’re a bunch of dirty, injury-prone freaks!


    Yeah ch4r7ie and I did the same thing 😳 lol

    And staplermofo, ain’t that the truth? lol Of course, from your pictures I have to assume you’re a hairy toe’d Amish man (maybe Mennonite–you obviously use technology 😉 )who has an unhealthy obsession with fellating staplers 😉


    I guess you guys can cancel the upcoming “Look at my boo-boo!” contest.



    funny thing about a simulpost, sometimes she was on top, and sometimes i was..

    i guess the program couldn’t figure out who was there exactly

    i feel thet my entry for next week is fairly unique

    /stunned no-one else did what i did, this is only the second picture i have taken for a contest,

    this was my first

    everything else is my stock


    There was actually another simulpost several down from ours and it also flip flopped. It was between senslstrwbrry (I’m messing up the spelling I think) and someone else. I think the software probably just alternates between the two randomly when there’s a simulpost.

    omg ch4r7ie, that picture had me rolling! 😆

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