Cindy Sherman at the MoMA

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    I was fortunate enough to see the Cindy Sherman exhibit at the MoMA yesterday.

    Wow! Seeing her work on a computer screen I’ve always been impressed, though her kind of work and mine could not be more different. (I profess my heroes are documentary and photojournalistic, Avendon, Winogrand, Arbus) but seeing the sheer artistry in her photographs…they way she used her own body as the canvas to create with! Her skewed take on the world or art and photography, they way she morphed herself into hundred of different characters. I was shell shocked by the time I finished the exhibit!

    To be honest, the rest of the MoMA’s photography exhibits left me a little cold after seeing Sherman’s work. Back in March of last year this photograph

    Sold for almost four million dollars, it was also in the exhibit at the MoMA. When you stand in front of this giant print, and look at it, you can see why, if I had four million dollars, well, I still wouldn’t pay that for it, but if I had 400 million, I would drop the cash for the print in the blink of an eye.


    I went and saw this exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art today. I wholeheartedly agree, to see these images full-sized and not on a computer screen made all the difference in the world. It’s not my cup of tea photographically speaking, but what an incredible display of her vision and execution.

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