Dedication to ones craft

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    I’m not sure if this is the appropriate forum for it, but I thought some here might enjoy this: The Arctic Light. It’s an HD timelapse video taken recently in the Arctic circle in Norway.

    I thought it was a hassle to tote my camera, lenses, and tripod around EPCOT, but that’s nothing compared to what this guy went through for this shoot:

    I had numerous setbacks including: airline lost my luggage, struggling to swim ashore after falling into the Arctic sea: twice, breaking lenses, filters, tripod, computer, losing the whole dolly rig and controller into the sea, and even falling off a rather tall rock and ending up in the hospital.

    Oh, by the way, the video is absolutely stunning.


    Very nice! Soosh will be proud. And I’m ever the more envious of same! Never seen anything like it in ‘videoish’ format before.


    Damn! that’s some pretty scenery.


    Sheesh! Fell off a mountain, fell out of a boat TWICE, lost his gear… I want to say this guy needs a new hobby, except for the fact that what he’s doing is simply stunning and I hope he keeps doing it. Without dying.

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