Event photography–a beginning (now with pic goodness)

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    Thanks, everyone. It was a total blast. I’ve learned Minnie isn’t a fan of color; she felt I overdid it (I batched them back down to ‘normal’; good learning experience that not everyone likes color as much as I do). She also wasn’t happy with the orange skirts/red tops not being distinctly so in the images; I explained with the sun so low, the ambient light contributed to there being less distinction between the two (I could process for them, but then all the other colors would go blue or green). As for tighter portraits, my other lenses weren’t fast enough with the fading light. Still a newb at portraiture; need better glass but more importantly, more experience. I wound up with 520 images that were sharply detailed where they needed to be, but about 1/2 of those had things like closed eyes, poor framing, blown out (sunlit) backdrop (white church building), etc.

    That being said, any constructive critiquing would be welcomed.


    More info: Minnie wanted ‘show’ shots; I was going for portrait shots. The ‘client’ wanted DOF for a group, and (due to light and circumstances and what I thought was good) I got shallow DOF shots which are good, but not what she expected. Fail. Probably epic. Chalk one up to the learning curve. My bad. But–it cost her nothing, it only cost me $5 in gas, and now I know to ask the client more about expectations.

    I still like my shots.

    //but if the client doesn’t, then I’ve missed the point.


    //live and learn, I’m still a newb.


    I like the photos, but I know what you mean. I have done one photo shoot ever and it was for my friend that wanted pictures of horses for the website of a barn where she works. I tried to do horse portraits because that’s what I thought they wanted, but they haven’t used any of the photos on their site and that was over two months ago. They didn’t tell me what they really wanted and when I asked beforehand and didn’t get a clear answer. I’m not sure what I could have done differently, but I do like taking photos of horses. Your DOF for the group shot looks good to me, not sure what else you could do.


    Just getting around to catching up on some of these older theads, so… rav, I think your shots turned out pretty good. It sounds to me like she was wanting an awful lot for free and didn’t even want to bother telling you exactly what she wanted, even though she apparently knew. I’m not sure you could’ve pleased someone like that no matter what.


    But, CISS; it’s still the goal to figure out prior to, what exactly the client wants, and it’s that lesson I took to heart. A wedding photog friend and I went out last night and she edumacated me on getting a speedlight and setting it to flash just before the shutter closes (I forget the name); that would have helped me capture deeper DOF images. She uses it for certain wedding situations.


    Well, that’s a good way to look at it, rav. And I think you’re talking about second curtain, right? As I understand it, there’s first curtain where the flash goes off right as the shutter opens and there’s second curtain where it goes off just before the shutter closes. Second curtain is usually better when there’s movement as the final image is nice and sharp and overrides whatever blur may have been deposited while the shutter was open.


    I don’t understand what you mean by she wanted DOF shots. Did she want the ugly backgrounds and spectators in focus too? If so…eww. That would have looked bad. Personally I think your “client” is clueless as to what a good photograph is. Next time you may want to try cranking the ISO up to 1600 so you can use faster shutter and smaller aperture. If these shots are for web use you can resize them to 25% apply a bit of NR and sharpening and still have great shots. I almost always shoot events at 1600 or 3200. Also, get a flash and keep you camera set to second curtain. It’s unnoticeable at normal shutter speeds and really helps kick up your slower speed shots. I can’t imagine owning a camera and not having a speedlight. Pop up flashes only do one thing good. Ruin photos.


    Yes, +NBD–that’s exactly it. So wrong! But…if she’d paid me, and expected that result, she’d feel cheated if I didn’t deliver. It really is about the client and the expectations. I think, if I gave examples of both and a prospect said “I like these”, I’d turn down the job. I’m not an expert, but I’m trying to get there. But to purposefully take bad photos? Eesh…I don’t think I’d want to.

    Not saying my shots were perfect, but at least they were within the ballpark.

    I never use the OC flash except for fill. Obviously, the speedlight is my next purchase (come September, unless I spend it helping the folks with the doctor bills for my dad.)

    And yeah, CISS second curtain!! That was it! (NBD said same). I’ll need practice. I think I’ll have to go clubbing (for like the first time in 20 years. Last night Christina showed me a great way to hold the strap to steady the cam while you take photos of dancing people, sans tripod.

    //ah, the things I am still learning from you people!! And also those who’ve I met in person, via G+!!


    Pop up flashes only do one thing good. Ruin photos.

    Untrue. A pop-up flash turned to EV -1.7 or thereabouts makes decent fill flash without being overly harsh.

    I’ve used mine a few times – but almost never at full power.


    Untrue. A pop-up flash turned to EV -1.7 or thereabouts makes decent fill flash without being overly harsh.

    I’ve used mine a few times – but almost never at full power.

    I wonder if I can turn down the power in the canon pop-up? I’ll have to break out the book and see…


    Untrue. A pop-up flash turned to EV -1.7 or thereabouts makes decent fill flash without being overly harsh.

    I’ve used mine a few times – but almost never at full power.

    I wonder if I can turn down the power in the canon pop-up? I’ll have to break out the book and see…

    I am pretty sure you can. I believe there is even that option on my now busted ass Rebel XS which is the low end of the totem pole in the Canon world.

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