Event photography–a beginning (now with pic goodness)

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    I have my very first gig for “event photography” — you know, weddings, graduations, ceremonial snipping of foreskins….

    Well, it’s just a hula exhibition for a church, some charity function that their religiousness doesn’t seem to acknowledge on their website (makes me wonder who will show up, besides performers). From the Google-maps, you’d think they’d pimp out every event they had, but I’m not finding it. Hope I’m wrong.

    Anyway, it’s a start. There will be a fire dancer. There will be grass skirts, and colorful costumes. From what I can figure from the google-map, there will be a concrete background. 🙄 We’ll see what happens. I have both camera bodies ready, 32Gb for the T2i, 24Gb for the xTi if something goes wrong with the former. Charged batteries (2x each). Laptop to save off of the cards if needed. Taking the 50mm f/1.8, and the kit lens 18-55mm (scale up 1:1.6, we work with what we have). Don’t see much need for the 70-300mm, really. No lighting but ambient, or On-CF if I must (may come into play for the fire dancer. )

    *shutter*–err, *shudder*…

    It’s a free gig–hoping I’ll have something to make a starter-portfolio from. Or at least learn from. The church grounds look nice. I’ll probably get some shots of that while I’m there. Wish me luck. For better or -fail-, I’ll post what happens. please don’t let me fail, at least not miserablyNo, God, it’s not Margaret; it’s Rav–the less butch one…

    //Wish me luck. Nervous as a sophomore cheerleader in the varsity football locker-room. And just about as excited. (Well, if I were the sophomore cheerleader, that is). 😛


    Bring the 70-300. You will regret not having the reach.


    …and good luck!


    We’re all counting on you.


    Bring the 70-300. You will regret not having the reach.

    Seconded,… All in favor?




    Might be a silly question, rav, but do you have a second body? I shot A wedding (unpaid and for friends, and I know, different venue), and my 75-300 was very useful during the ceremony, while the 24-105 was more useful for the informal crowd shots after the ceremony. I see you dividing your time between lenses being a quick-change artist with them, using one for the “formal” and one for the “informal”, or carrying two cameras.

    /this is why I shoot landscapes, folks 😉
    //plus side, the happy couple wanted my prints for the relatives


    I’m also on board with “bring the long lens.” There will be times when you’ll want it. Probably.

    There will DEFINITELY be times you’ll want it if you don’t bring it.

    Congrats on the gig. If you’re thinking of going into the biz, having the pix for the portfolio will be good, but having a good reference will be also. Also, have a website ready for your shots, so when people start talking to you, you’ll have someplace to send them. Even if it’s just a quicky blogger page, set it up for that reason alone.

    FWIW – I sold my first baseball shots tonight. A guy I’ve been chummy with at the stadium wanted some shots of his favorite player, as well as one of Andy Pettite. I printed up 4 at Walmart (I’ve been remiss in addressing this, and I didn’t really want to lay out a bunch of cash up front), it cost me like $12.28 and he paid $30 for 3 of them. But… he wants a few more of a different player (he’s made friends with the guy’s girlfriend), as well as referring me to another fan who’s going to visit the blog and probably order a few… The Walmart prints came out pretty good for the price (and the speed couldn’t be beat… under 20 minutes from order to purchase). I know when I put together my kickstarter proposal I’m going to be looking at an on-line printer to ensure high quality and consistency, but it’s a decent start.


    Okay, let’s start with the telephoto suggestion. I figured I didn’t need it. But at the last minute, I brought it anyway, just in case.

    //I didn’t need it. The ‘stage’ was a grassy knoll about 40 feet wide by 30 feet deep. It was outdoors, near sunset (and into sunset) and I’m right up front, surrounded by kids and families; tough to move around (I did so best I could), so pretty much everything was with the 50mm f/1.8 (85mm equiv), set from f/1.8 to f/2.5, ISO starting at 200 and on down to 800 as the light grew more dim. Thus, everything is pretty much portraiture. (These have been resized and sharpened for G+, then again for here, so there’s less bokeh than in the larger versions)

    There was no fire dancer; the church ixney’d it (damn!). But I had a ball anyway, and I’m invited back to do it again. I have an album up over at my G+ with larger images, but here’s 20 at farktography sizes, and the story behind them.

    This is my apt. mgr’s daughter, who participates. It’s the first shot I took, before they blocked the choreography. She is absolutely gorgeous, and if she were my daughter, I’d give U-man a run for his money in the contests, weekly.

    Two choreography shots:

    Focus on the hands (which I didn’t get in the live show due to my angle at the time):

    One hawt 20-something gui hamming it up for me:

    //Dayum–I think I’m likin’ this current generation of Samoan! I digress…

    First dance shots. I like the flow of the skirt in this one:

    And the pose here:

    Next was a soloist. The sun was waffling through the trees; the bigger, higher quality image captures it more nicely than this one, but you get the idea:

    And another:

    I liked the backlighting with my apt. mgr’s daughter here:

    And this guy seems to be saying ‘oh hai!’:

    You could call this “The Wave” (bigger image has more golden light to it):

    This guy was a ham:

    The stud muffin from earlier (my 2nd favorite shot of him):

    I liked this for both poses:

    This small shot doesn’t do justice to the light on Mr. Stud Muffin, but it’s my favorite shot of him. For that reason, I linky to bigger/better quality right after. Woof.


    Be careful, Madge, you’re stroking in it. (be still my throbbing–err–beating heart.)

    //I digress

    Girlfriend, let me tell you somethin’:

    All pretty ladies, lined up in a row:

    I just liked her. Sue me.

    The ginger was quite fair:

    I liked the motion in this one:

    And last, a group shot. Funny thing; they wanted a ‘nature’ background here. Yellow light to the left (from the camera vantage), bluer light to the right. Took some processing to even that out some. I didn’t use flash–on camera flash sucks and flattens, and it wouldn’t reach the tree in the background anyway.

    But there was another schmuck (besides me that is), next to me [using a Nikon, of course–did I type that out loud? ;o) ], and he was using his camera’s flash. So I just set the camera to 1-1/3 seconds on the tripod, and ‘borrowed’ his light (effectively off-camera for me) while he shot, and got the tree because my settings were more appropriate for it. There’s super-mild ghosting in the full res image, but it’s not evident in post with a wee bit of adjustments.

    My Apt. mgr. will probably like that I got the background (he was shooting hand-held, so surely he had a fast shutter speed). I’ll just tell her I know how to take pictures better than he did. She’ll never know the real truth.

    //I’ll admit it’s not perfect– ginger is *way* too bright, and people were obscured, but at least the overall lighting is good. 😛

    You can view the better res G+ album via this link:



    Might be a silly question, rav, but do you have a second body?

    //err, yeah…that was in the original post. Used it for all of 6 frames. Turns out I didn’t need it (low light meant the f/1.8 was the name of the game), but I read long ago to always go in with a backup. Having trashed a camera in Silverton, Co., I think I’ll always have the ‘last best one’ with me, just in case. But good point regarding not switching lenses–just didn’t roll that way given the low light this time. (as I don’t have a 2nd low-light lens).


    //err, yeah…that was in the original post.

    DOH! You’d think I could read a post thoroughly before commenting…


    Glad everything worked out. The shots are really nice. Your “patrons” can’t have a single thing to complain about.

    As far as not needing the telephoto… had you left it at home, you would have been shuffled to the back and needed it desperately. Not having been there, I can’t say that I would or would not have used it, but I always appreciate having the option. Even when I go to the stadium, if I drive, I bring my whole camera bag. I can keep it locked in the car until I go in, and you never actually know what’s going to happen.


    Very nice! Looks like it was a lot of fun. Your subjects had very interesting faces. I would have busted out the long lens and taken some tighter shots.


    Very cool shots indeed. Looks like a fun time…and there is nothing better than some fun and pretty ladies don’t hurt either.


    Echoes here, those all look great! I can’t see any reason for them to be less than pleased.

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