How many votes do you typically cast?

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    I’m just wondering how other people vote. I tend to be really indecisive/spastic so sometimes I’ll just vote for a few entries and others I’ll vote for damn near everything haha.


    I just start at the bottom of the thread and work my way up screen after I post my own pics. Then I check back in a few days to catch any posted after me. I just vote for which ever photos I like and think they fit the theme. There are lots of things that could make me vote for a picture: theme appropriateness, bright colors, good compositions, nice shapes, fan service, etc. I like to start at the bottom, so as not to judge the slow people to harshly, as I might be jaded during the voting process. Like for “sun in frame,” I can only vote for so many horizons -15-minutes-before-sunset before I’ve had enough. Originality of subject gets high marks from me. C’est la vie.

    It would be nice to see if there is a correlation between order of appearance in the thread, i.e. speed of posting, and vote getting. Might be hard to isolate that variable, since the people who put more effort into making good pics probably put more effort into posting them rapidly. Is there a statistician in the house?


    It would be nice to see if there is a correlation between order of appearance in the thread, i.e. speed of posting, and vote getting. Might be hard to isolate that variable, since the people who put more effort into making good pics probably put more effort into posting them rapidly. Is there a statistician in the house?

    this has been debated and analyzed to death. the consensus is no.


    Some weeks I’ve voted for 4, others 20+. Depends on the theme, the quality and quantity of entries.


    It would be nice to see if there is a correlation between order of appearance in the thread, i.e. speed of posting, and vote getting. Might be hard to isolate that variable, since the people who put more effort into making good pics probably put more effort into posting them rapidly. Is there a statistician in the house?

    That’s actually the reason why schnee started the FSM. There is a statistical advantage to early posting but it’s in the marginal .2-.5% range. Posting on Thursday however makes the most difference. If you post later than noon EST, your rate of voting decreases substantially.

    CISS has lots of charts available on Bibliostats now that show voting trends and when the majority of votes come in. Not surprisingly, it’s Thursday morning, when the thread is high on the main page.


    This is why it’s worth it to me to stay up ’til midnight on Wednesdays and didn’t bother this week since it had snuck up on me. Voting doesn’t go live until Midnight Thursday (my time) so I just stay up, post ’em like a crazy person, and then go to bed. If I miss even 1 vote, I’d be stunned. Waiting until Thursday morning, or worse, afternoon, decreases one’s vote total just from people who do not return to vote.


    It would be nice to see if there is a correlation between order of appearance in the thread, i.e. speed of posting, and vote getting. Might be hard to isolate that variable, since the people who put more effort into making good pics probably put more effort into posting them rapidly. Is there a statistician in the house?

    I always post early, my first shot is usually is in the first five post, often in first two. It has zero effect on the vote totals. (I post in the beginning so I can get it done and move on with other things, plus I prepare my code ahead of time and can cut and paste straight into the thread.) Fark in general is good about voting for what it likes rather than what is on top. One of the reasons I keep participating, it’s really good feedback from an eclectic audience.

    The most important thing is never let the voting change what you are doing. Shoot for you, fark the audience!


    fark the audience!

    This might take a while…. It’s a large audience.

    Otherwise, though…. pretty much what you said other than the fact that trivia night has delayed my postings to the 10pm-midnight window rather than right at 8.


    Dang you all, I don’t really have time for this but you piqued my curiousity. 😉

    So, here’s a chart that shows the percentage of total votes and when they were cast for all contests since 2010-Oct-27, He’s a Fun Guy (the first contest I scraped in real time). The blue bars (left axis) show the percentage of total votes cast in each 15-minute slot while the gray background shows the accumulated percentage (right axis).

    10.6% of votes are cast within the first hour of the contest going live; within 4 hours, 21.3% of votes have been cast; by 12 noon Thurs, it’s 48.6%; and by end of day Thurs (midnight Friday), it’s 69.6%. So, if you care about votes, even a little delay will cost you.


    Oh, and on average, I’d guess I probably vote for about half of the entries in any given contest.

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