It ain’t great but it’s a first for me.

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    First Lightning by lokisbong, on Flickr. It was close too. almost instant thunder after the flash!

    I suppose I should have put this in the Gallery section. Doh!


    Sweet! You shooting with a trigger? (I ask because of the missing arborization…)


    No I wish I had a lightning trigger. I just put my remote shutter trigger on the camera and started snapping pictures. Of almost 300 pictures this was the only success.

    (edited to add) I don’t think this had any visible branching. it looked like a single line in my eye too. I had to look up arborization to understand that part.


    Is that you that favorited this on Flickr? if so want another contact?

    Ok I just clicked on your sig link thingy and answered the first question. lol




    I never knew there was a word for that.

    lokisbong, a trigger’s been on my mind lately as well. Would give me a great chance to get out. Not so sure I want to be on the rim of the canyon with local planetary electrical discharge happening tho. 😆

    So what ISO/shutter speed/etc? Without a trigger, I’m stuck at a few seconds until it starts getting darker.


    ISO 100, 1/4 second at f22 at 18mm with my 18-55 kit lens. Oh and manual focus. And yeah I am not real big on getting zapped by natures static either. This was from my bedroom window looking over the neighbors apartment


    BTW… I’ve never heard arborization applied to lightning (hell, can’t even put the 2 together and get decent google hits) before now, so I vote this my new term for the day. [cheers] It fits the “To have or produce branching formations” definition perfectly.


    wow. hard to get any slower at the ISO and fstop. A trigger would be cheaper and better for lightning than a quality ND filter…

    /me heads on over to caradoc‘s gallery


    Looks like you popped the shutter on this one just in time to catch the return strike, minus the stepped leaders. I get that a lot with my trigger, since I have an unavoidable 55ms delay between the time the trigger detects the IR spike and the shutter actually opens.

    I do occasionally get lucky, though – we get a lot of double and triple strikes, and the first pops the trigger while the rest occur while the shutter’s entirely open:

    The faint single line on the right at the peak was the strike that popped the trigger. The other strike on the left just happened to occur in its entirety while the shutter was open.


    wow. hard to get any slower at the ISO and fstop. A trigger would be cheaper and better for lightning than a quality ND filter…

    /me heads on over to caradoc‘s gallery

    Oh I forgot I had a circular polarizer on there too.


    Oh I forgot I had a circular polarizer on there too.

    Careful with that. I lost a lot of otherwise good shots to flares caused by daylight filters, ND filters, and polarizers before I decided to only shoot lightning bare-lensed. I still use a polarizer in daylight sometimes, but then the flares are mostly lost to the background glare.


    Yeah had that problem with the uv filter on regular shots. I haven’t had too much trouble with that yet from the CP filter. I will keep that in mind though.


    Ooohh…. looky!

    /updates every 20 mins


    Hey that’s pretty cool.


    I had to drill for that one. 😉
    Some codemonkey needs to do up a widget for that.

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