Man, am I stoked!

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    Thomas Hawk (yeah, that T. Hawk) is coming to Phoenix, and I’m going to be one of the people who leads him through the valley taking pictures!! Author of more than a few books, his photography is amazing, and as it happens he loves old hotels, especially ones with neon signs, and I grew up in Mesa (where there are still a few), and live on Van Buren (which also has a few left; both used to be the old US60/ i-10 route before we had freeways), so I know the venue he wants to shoot.

    I plan on learning as much as possible from our encounter. My shot of the New Windsor Hotel I used a few weeks ago peeked his interest.



    Excellent opportunity Rav, I can see some of his style in your work (whether you’ve been studying him or not). How long do you have with him?


    That sounds like a blast!


    I’m going to have at least several hours with him, fluffy. It’s a 40 mile tract of shooting, maybe 20 or 25 locations along the way. Other’s will be along for the ride, I’m sure, but I’ll be in the car with him at all points in between. Shame that Neon 2 is 2 weeks before I’ll be shooting with him, though, but I’m fairly certain I’ll capture some shots while I’m out staging for our venture before then, so I’ll hope to get some nice things for that contest.

    He’s here the whole weekend, and I’ve opted to let others pipe up to lead other photo ventures with other subjects/venues, but I’ll be welcomed to go along for many of them in the background, as it were. I’ve been a little down on my photos (again!) lately; this has perked my interest right back up again. Sadly, it’s just before I return back for 4 long days of work…

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