One of my favorite words is "Haboob"

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  • #2771

    And here’s why. Panoramic of 6 images, saturated color to bring out the dust storm color. For scale, the little mound of rock to the left is around 300 feet in height relative to the shot location. Big image (1.4M, 4800 pixels in width), so linky:

    😀 😯 😛 😉


    Thems some big haboobs ya got there!


    //that’s what HE said…


    I, too, enjoy anything with associated with a “boob”.

    /Perpetually 13 years old


    Heh Heh Heh he said Boob! Yes!!!

    Pretty cool picture there Rav.


    nice boob


    Holy smokes, that’s like a 2000 foot high wall of sandstorm… did it blow over you?
    Nice catch!

    /especially as a pano!


    It’s been icky this year.


    Those ‘boobs make for some great photos. I assume they are moving across the ground like a wall of dust or sand. What happens when they get on top of you? Does it get dark and sandblast your cars?


    The shot I posted is from just behind the initial “wall.” Lightning struck somewhere off to the right and set my trigger off while I had my eyes closed…


    Yes, Chupa; it did blow over me.

    Visibility down to around 1/2 mile I’d guess


    heh… looks very much like an alien landscape…


    If you say so, chupa…. meanwhile, I woke up at 8pm yesterday, and went out to capture this shot:

    It’s not even close to perfect. I had a lot stacked against me. Here’s the paste from my posts at G+ and Facebook with what I went through in capturing it:

    “Okay, so this might be the best shot I got last night, and it’s meah (in full size; it’s fine at interwebz size). Here’s a list of what I endured to get it:

    1) nearly ran over an elk carcass in the road (yes, we have them) that some unfortunate soul hit 30 minutes before (they were o.k., fortunately, and help was on the way)
    2) Nearly lost control of my truck in avoiding it, at 70 mph. Camera got slammed against the passenger door. TG it wasn’t damaged.
    3) Forgot my remote trigger release (I woke up, saw the weather, and jumped into the car~~poor choice)
    4) Also forgot my flashlight, which lead to:
    5) Sliding down a ravine and then,
    6) Walked into a barbed wire fence (I’m okay, jeans got torn)
    7) Endured rain so hard I did 15 mph on a freeway and…
    8) Did I mention the 1 inch sized hail? Windshield is being replaced as I type…
    9) Couldn’t find an off-road that wasn’t ‘closed’ with a barricade to save my life; hence everything I got is cropped to get rid of traffic ‘noise’
    10) Some asshat defecated (as if in “that means they shat ) on an off~road, in the middle of it even, which I didn’t notice until~~wait for it~~

    I got out of the truck and stepped in it. Jebus phuqin’ Cripes.

    Talk about the _ shit _ shiat we go through to try to capture compelling images. I literally went through it. I had only the dirt road beyond to try to get it off the bottom of my shoe. With less~than~full effect. I drove home, 60 miles+, enjoying the lovely odor of someone’s feces wafting up from the sole of my shoe.

    And THIS is what I have to show for it. It’s okay, at this size. But trust me: I’m not sure it was worth it. “


    Yeah, um… I think I mentioned the boots, hat, and flashlight – right? Where did you run into the hail? I was only out for about an hour or so last night, hit the turnoff for Sugarloaf/Sycamore Creek from 79.

    Edit: A few years ago, I almost stepped on a rattlesnake getting out of the car. Since then, I look… carefully.


    yuck… at least you didn’t slide and land in it…

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