"Pass the Farkamera"

Forums Forums Projects and Collaborations Projects "Pass the Farkamera"

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    What say we use a disposable camera with 24 or 36 exposures in a pass the camera project? one shot each then send it on to the next person on the list. when last frame is shot we have the film developed and upload the pix to the farktography website in a gallery we can create for that purpose?


    What say we use a disposable camera with 24 or 36 exposures in a pass the camera project? one shot each then send it on to the next person on the list. when last frame is shot we have the film developed and upload the pix to the farktography website in a gallery we can create for that purpose?

    ooo you know i can dig it. should we email you with mailing address?


    maybe at this point we can just say if we’re interested in participating. i haven’t thought the whole thing through, like how people feel about privacy issues. if people want to participate there would have to be an address even if it’s a just post office box number.


    I’m in. Sounds like good fun.


    maybe at this point we can just say if we’re interested in participating. i haven’t thought the whole thing through, like how people feel about privacy issues. if people want to participate there would have to be an address even if it’s a just post office box number.

    of course. i’m just really excited about it!!! and have no problem with my address being available. i think that when it gets to the implementation stage you (we) should include a sheet of paper with the participants names/addresses on it, and then as we send the camera on to the next person we make a note of the frame # that we shot so we can match faces with places when it gets posted. of course, if we mail it in order, figuring out frames should be pretty simple.


    of course. i’m just really excited about it!!! and have no problem with my address being available. i think that when it gets to the implementation stage you (we) should include a sheet of paper with the participants names/addresses on it, and then as we send the camera on to the next person we make a note of the frame # that we shot so we can match faces with places when it gets posted. of course, if we mail it in order, figuring out frames should be pretty simple.[/quote]

    oh god yes! we have to keep at least *that* organised ;o)

    if people post here that they’re *in* then we can keep track of the list of locations and mail it from closest place to next closest place, if that makes sense.


    of course. i’m just really excited about it!!! and have no problem with my address being available. i think that when it gets to the implementation stage you (we) should include a sheet of paper with the participants names/addresses on it, and then as we send the camera on to the next person we make a note of the frame # that we shot so we can match faces with places when it gets posted. of course, if we mail it in order, figuring out frames should be pretty simple.

    oh god yes! we have to keep at least *that* organised ;o)

    if people post here that they’re *in* then we can keep track of the list of locations and mail it from closest place to next closest place, if that makes sense.

    It really wouldn’t be that hard to implement a kind of system similar to the Fark “Secret Santa” where you only know the person you’re sending it to and nobody else.

    But I’m in, too, regardless. 🙂

    Snug Tight

    I’m in also. It will be interesting to see what people come up with.


    wow, that’s 5 of the exposures spoken for already! cool!

    okay, i’m heading to bed but will check back tomorrow to see if it’s time to start sending the Farkamera around


    Born Slippy

    T’would be cool. We did a thing like that on SportsShooter.com once and some great stuff came out of it.


    Well, I would be in. Would hate to see some miserable wretch hijack the camera just to be aggravating. I play too much online bridge with people who come in just to wreck a game for others, I guess.

    Snug Tight

    Hopefully that wouldnt happen. It seems people have been playing nice in the Farktography threads so far.


    I’m in, it will be fun using a camera without a pc terminal. And if you think I’ll not try to figure out how to use studio lights with it your nuts. Anyone got a holga we could pass around? I could buy the film and pay for processing.


    I’m in if someone wants to pay the shipping to Norway.


    I just thought of something — how much overzealous x-raying is there going to be on internationally shipped items?

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