This is CGI

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    Goes to a video commecial for a countertop manufacturer. The entire production is CGI, 95% of any part would make excellent photographs if real, and could easily be taken for as real. ‘Artistic Bent’ came to my mind, thought maybe some of youts like to see.


    it’s both impressive and scary. we all know that a picture is no longer the arbitrator of what happened from iran’s crappy missile photoshop to cigar guy. and i guess with avitar we have some idea how far CGI has come. but this takes all that to a new level. it means that folks with much more modest tools and budgets than big hollywood studios can produce work that would easily fool even trained viewers. at least at first.


    all cgi!?!? color me skeptical. regardless, jaw-dropping scenes and colors and light.


    all cgi!?!? color me skeptical. regardless, jaw-dropping scenes and colors and light.

    Yup, I agree. I don’t believe it didn’t start with photographic elements of the objects at a minimum. There’s just no financial reason to render a lemon completely from scratch when you just take a photo of one. All the exploding things and composed movement/rotation, that I can see. But that’s not quite the same as “100% CGI” as the comments claim on the page.

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