Wish me luck V3; ISS transiting the ‘Supermoon’ (bah!)

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    First things first: I loathe the ‘Supermoon’ media crap. Like it doesn’t happen every 14 months or so. Get over it.

    However, it IS a very bright moon, and it happens that some 40 miles from my home I’ll be in position to capture the ISS transiting it. Its also a very BIG moon; so it will BARELY fit into my telescope/camera FOV (and only if I center it perfectly, so here’s hoping. As I recall, the solar transit lasted 1.5 seconds (I got the last 1/2 of it in 3 frames); this will last 2.2 seconds; maybe I’ll get 4 frames? It will be a little easier to be prepared, though; I’ll see it coming overhead at least until it reaches the earth’s shadow, so my reaction time should be a little faster.

    Tricky: need a high enough ISO to shoot 1/3200th to 1/4000th second frames, but low enough to not get a bunch of noise. Hoping the added brightness will be helpful. Wish me luck again!


    Good luck.
    If you get lucky now, I want the expanded shot info to look like this:
    location: Gila Bend Mountains
    shutter 1/4000s
    ISO: 3200
    camera: Rebel XSi
    telescope: Celestron NexStar 8SE
    luck: staplermofo’s wish


    I did get it, but it’s not very sharp (my bad). It’s in this week’s contest anyway.


    Here’s one from yesterday with the sun; it was just past high-noon (astro-noon, that is), so the ISS was as big as it can be. I’m also not entirely happy with the focus; but it wasn’t the focus, it was the atmosphere in this case.



    Here. I checked the Exif, didn’t see luck attributed to me. That should help you take care of that.

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