Reply To: Reducing the number of entries

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat Farktography Pub and Grill Reducing the number of entries Reply To: Reducing the number of entries


The great thing about 3 submissions per contest is that it permits more experimentation. If a lower limit is established, only “safe” shots will be posted.

It would become a hunt for votes instead of a forum for sharing cool photo ideas. Think “Top 40 radio.”

or.. it makes you, the photographer, think about what works in a picture and what dont

as a matter of fact,i’ve had shoots where i have taken 200 shots and sifted through til i found 1 gudun, i’m used to looking through 200 pictures.. it’s hard to do if you are semi-trained, a farktography contest with 300 plus pictures?

after the 1st 150 or so i stop looking at pictures and start looking at names… for instance if i knew someone lived in the same town in connecticut that i went to high school in, i’d look for her pictures

and voting has dropped off since there have been so many pictures to sift through anyways…

weds contest should be give it your best shot -1 entry, sat night could be 3 because people have more time too look

in a good photography club with judging:

a)there are people who show up to look at their friends pictures and show their own
b)there are people who show up to look at their friends pictures and show their own, and want to win the judging

