04-04-12 – Pinholes, Lomos & Holgas, Oh My!

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 04-04-12 – Pinholes, Lomos & Holgas, Oh My!

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    a friend gave me a bell and howell key chain camera http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/L952850.jpg a few Christmases ago. 320×288 images. with enough sunlight it was ok but man …. i have at least three workable images so may not dig out the camera and load the software for this contest.

    btw this is NOT a good car camera. any pictures of the space aliens you might get will be way too small. even for world net daily or the national enquirer.


    Last weekend I made a ‘pinhole lens’ out of an old AI Sigma zoom. Just removed all of the optics, the diaphragm (it was busted) and the helicoids.

    Haven’t been able to test it properly, handheld gets me too much blur, may need to make the hole smaller. Hell, I’m even able to zoom a bit with the thing. You can take a look at it:


    If I get some free time this weekend I’ll mount it on a film camera and expose some B/W film with it.

    I guess it’s lo-fi enough, right?

    That’s exactly what this theme is about!


    Okay, had to adjust the focal length to get a better focused image. The thing looks and works better now:



    You guys get a bit of relief this week. Two of my three planned ideas for this week fell through due to scheduling. The rotocam still sits on the shelf, unfinished and temporarily unloved. And I just plain haven’t had anywhere near the time I need to turn an egg into a single-use pinhole camera by draining, cleaning, and coating the inside with emulsion. So, other than the Brownholio anamorph, it’ll be an archive dive for me.


    I’ll be into the archives as well; I’d forgotten I robbed pieces of my faux tilt-shift to fix a table, and my cat chewed up the seal I’d used for the DP lens while I had it apart for cleaning.


    Hey guys I just wanted to check that my submissions will be ok. They were all taken with disposable cameras and I just had the dude at the Walgreens put them on CD for me.

    I got a little intimidated hearing all the crazy mods you were up to!


    Hey guys I just wanted to check that my submissions will be ok. They were all taken with disposable cameras and I just had the dude at the Walgreens put them on CD for me.

    I got a little intimidated hearing all the crazy mods you were up to!

    That’s perfectly fine. Can’t wait to see them!

    Oh, and don’t be intimidated by crazy mods. Well, except maybe Staplermofo, but he’s a whole different kind of crazy mod.


    In my defense:
    1. I’ve never actually moderated.
    2. I’m lucky to get further than 2% into a plan before it fails.
    3. The 90s were a different time. People were rediscovering non-sexual physical pleasure. People were chewing on pacifiers and slathering on Vick’s at raves. In hind sight, trying to inject live baby guppies into my blood vessels was a bad idea for both me and the guppies, but it was much more difficult to know that then with the resources I had. Guppies will eat their young, and I didn’t have enough tanks to protect all of them. At the time, it seemed plausible that they would clean my arteries as well as make me feel all woobully inside. We weren’t as aware then of how misleading movies can be. People have done a lot of extrapolating concerning my motives, and I can accept that, but you have to know I never meant anyone harm. Despite what Elsinore (who wasn’t even there) says, I did not kidnap anyone, I didn’t lecture people in gibberish while claiming to be “Dagon”. It was just a few short months, and it was a long time ago.


    …man…I guess I should start the archive dive right about now. Though against the mofo, I won’t have anything abstractly bizarre enough. ;o0


    Haha, I meant *modifications*!

    Staplermofo, you sound like you’d be fun to hang out with :p



    So, I know this is supposed to be my party and all, but, uhhh….. Can I get an OBO tonight?

    Work blocks access to my FTP server (yes, even the hard way through telnet and multi-layer binary shells).

    Code below, copy-paste ready and Y2K compliant:

    Single Blue

    Single and Blue

    Shot through a homemade lens consisting of a magnifying glass, PVC pipe, and a soda can.

    ^Clickr pops Bigr at Flickr

    Posted OBO Orionid, who is currently stuck in a 72-hour-a-week shiftwork black hole

    Floor Over Sky

    Floor Over Sky

    Shot through a homemade three-port pinhole blender consisting of a Mr. Peanut can, a film canister, cut-up pieces of soda can, and lots of nuclear-grade duct tape.

    ^Clickr pops Bigr at Flickr

    Posted OBO Orionid, who is currently stuck in a 72-hour-a-week shiftwork black hole

    Twisted Rail

    Twisted Rail

    Shot through a homemade anamorphic pinhole camera using a 280-degree cylindrical film plane and perpendicular offset pinhole that was constructed from the carcass of a 1930's-vintage Kodak Brownie Target Six-20 and PVC pipe.

    ^Clickr pops Bigr at Flickr

    Posted OBO Orionid, who is currently stuck in a 72-hour-a-week shiftwork black hole


    Orion, I got yer back if you want.


    Fluffy-B (and orionid) – I’m 99.9% sure I’ll be sitting here at post time. I’ll let Fluffy do the honors but if that falls through just give me a heads up.

    What I came here to ask is this…just what is this artifact called? The bloom, smeared look of the daisies.





    I’ll also need an OBO please:

    Shot with a Kodak Instamatic converted to use 35mm film: the “Necromatic”

    Winter Night
    Shot with a 1915 Kodak Rainbow Hawkeye Box camera: the “Brick”


    Shot with a Holga, the “Farkholga”. Subject matter befits the medium used to capture it.
    (or as my husband would say, holgas are shiat so I used one to take a picture of the shiattube)

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