05-23-12 – Sleeve-faced

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 05-23-12 – Sleeve-faced

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    Photos using album covers from records, CDs, tapes, 8-track, or 78’s to create an illusion.

    Many thanks to Zero Exponent for the theme suggestion!


    Oh hai. Been away for awhile. My dad has been dealing with a major medical issue, and I had to go stay with him for a bit–and frankly, I haven’t been doing much photography at all lately.

    I will try and participate more often though, especially with this theme coming up.

    Just a quick recap for those who don’t get what this theme is about … some examples of “sleeveface” in this group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/sleeveface/

    That is the basic premise; take a record and incorporate it in your photo. It does not have to be a “face”, you can use the cover no matter what it depicts. You may also use miniatures/props to stage a scene with the cover as a “background”, as long as the ENTIRE cover is included ( so no using just a small section of a cover ). Lastly, to encourage participation from those who may not have access to the cover they want, I agreed that Farktographers may use photos of cover images that they have printed themselves (from jpegs off the internet or whatever). However, if you do print your own “sleeve”, I ask that you print the photo the same size as either a record (31.5cm square) or a CD cover (12cm square), no custom-sizing the images to fit your idea.


    ZE – I have ideas. I have less time than I want. I can’t make my ideas work with CD size pics. I don’t want to Kinkos to print a 12.4 inch photo. I would like to print the left and right sides of an album cover at 11.5 inches (29.2 cm) and glue them to cardboard. I think this fits the spirit of the theme (and farktography) but I don’t want to ass-u-me anything.

    Can I get a ruling? Any others want to chime in?


    BAH – I mean 11 x 11 inches.


    I hate it, but I’m going to miss this one. Had albums bought at the Goodwill and everything; just didn’t take the time to compose anything, and now I’m in Page and will be till Tuesday night. :o(


    ZE – I have ideas. I have less time than I want. I can’t make my ideas work with CD size pics. I don’t want to Kinkos to print a 12.4 inch photo. I would like to print the left and right sides of an album cover at 11.5 inches (29.2 cm) and glue them to cardboard. I think this fits the spirit of the theme (and farktography) but I don’t want to ass-u-me anything.

    Can I get a ruling? Any others want to chime in?

    That’s the way I went so I hope it’s all good. All my music is digital. Finished the second and third yesterday evening.


    Well, I did one at 11 x 11 inches and another CD size.


    Ay caramba, I just realized that it is not likely that people could print 12 inch square pictures at home–hello, max width for almost everyone is 11″ … facepalm.

    So, yes that is fine by me, U-man and fluffybunny. I know this is going to be a tricky contest for people to enter. I myself may only be able to do one or two depending on what happens the next couple days. I fear this may be a really low-participation contest 🙁

    On the plus side, any half-decent entry should have a good chance of finishing in the top ten, just sayin …


    Cool. Thanks. The one did with the 11 x 11 album used a 5 year old model and she can be difficult and expensive to work with. 🙂

    I can’t nail down a third idea but I’ll get something.


    can we just do an ipod on something?


    Well, I had what looked like a good idea but it has remained unrealized, too many people needed to make it work. Then I had them showing up for the shot but they chose to get drunk instead. I’m afraid I’m gonna have to skip this one.

    Even though I have some vinyls lying around they aren’t really good candidates, and as U-Man said, cd sleeves don’t seem to work.


    I was able to make a CD size close-up photo of face work pretty well.


    Just to make sure that my ideas are OK according to the rules:
    – can I use the back cover of an album or is the front of the sleeve mandatory, and
    – is the use of a picture disc acceptable as oftentimes there was/is just a see-through plastic sleeve accompanying the disc?



    can we just do an ipod on something?

    I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but my gut reaction is no … however I might change my mind, if you don’t mind telling me your idea. You can private message me if you don’t want to share it publicly. Like I said, I’m a bit worried about participation on this one. I don’t want to make it unfair to those who may have already shot some stuff, but I hate to exclude anyone at this point.


    Just to make sure that my ideas are OK according to the rules:
    – can I use the back cover of an album or is the front of the sleeve mandatory, and
    – is the use of a picture disc acceptable as oftentimes there was/is just a see-through plastic sleeve accompanying the disc?


    Good questions. The back cover idea sounds OK, and I commend your creativity for thinking of that. The picture disc is more of a grey area to me. How does this sound: I will allow it, as long as nobody else who is participating has a problem with it. If anyone objects, either post here or PM me.

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