12-12-12 – Here At the End of All Things

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 12-12-12 – Here At the End of All Things

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  • #49688

    One of my earliest internet memories:


    /Also, the Big Red Button That Does Nothing


    ranostic: Ya know, you could have just gotten the Walmart knock offs…wouldn’t have necessarily tasted the same, but they look the same for photographic purposes 😉


    ranostic: Ya know, you could have just gotten the Walmart knock offs…wouldn’t have necessarily tasted the same, but they look the same for photographic purposes 😉

    DAMNIT! I never thought of that! Just as well, two Twinkies would’ve been sweety, creamy overkill.


    Since I’m already OBO’ing, I’ll throw yours in as well, Zero.

    Muchas gracias!


    Wal-Mart has knockoffs? Dammitalltohell…


    Yeah…now if only they had Zingers knock offs, I’d be in trouble…

    /will miss them


    Argh!!!!!! This is the 3rd week in a row that Fark has trashed all my entries.

    What changed 3 weeks ago?


    Congrats to ravnostic this week!


    Argh!!!!!! This is the 3rd week in a row that Fark has trashed all my entries.

    What changed 3 weeks ago?

    It’s usually something on the host side of things when that happens. Like the host is serving out smaller images at various times to save bandwidth and Fark thinks the images are getting swapped, or the host is bogging down under peak usage, and it takes long enough to serve the image that Fark thinks the image is broken. It looks like the images dropped in the 9am hour both this week and last week. I can try to look for your entries after 10am to restore them, but if your host is doing something with compression or hiccuping, they’ll end up dropping again. Have you considered a new host, if only for a trial?


    Good jorb rav, honorable mention to Compound Warp for a close second.
    ravnostic,I liked the comet photo (had it pegged early on as the winner, actually) and was wondering how you did the effect. I think I see a pair of hands near the bottom of the comet head–and I would guess a lit match to provide the flaming tail? Am I close here, or completely off-track?


    Thanks, all, ftw! And just in time, too; my last one had just fallen off the quarterlies!

    Z^0, yep, a pair of hands. I have this nice hooded black windbreaker I wore to conceal as much of me as possible and I didn’t want the hands, but you ever try to light a lighter and spray a can of paint with mittens? Didn’t go so well. So the hands showed up, but with the movement (the flame was about a second from a can of spray paint) it kinda looked like clouds (albeit small ones). Stepped into a 15 (20?) second exposure of the city, lit the flame, stepped back out; it’s actually a very tight crop of a much larger picture, hence the blurriness in the image. Did this about 8 times before I got too paranoid I’d get arrested since I was right downtown.

    Very happy I didn’t waste $12.95 on Twinkies for ‘nuttin. 🙂


    That’s a lot more interesting a method than what I would have tried…

    I’d have soaked tennis balls in something flammable and thrown them into the frame enough times until I got what I wanted…

    living in the east, I don’t worry about brush fires like my western friends…


    No but the cops ain’t too keen…

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