3-27-13 – The Onion on Your Belt

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 3-27-13 – The Onion on Your Belt

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  • #50658

    I just wanted to say to people archive diving that you don’t need to personally own the thing, but you should be able to USE the thing.

    Define “use.” Let’s say it’s an item so obsolete you could not “use” it, but if you hopped in a time machine you would be set (for example, but not my shot, Confederate money).

    Depending on your answer, I may have to access one of my Bs (the other B is an alternative to the one I’m asking about)


    I just wanted to say to people archive diving that you don’t need to personally own the thing, but you should be able to USE the thing.

    Define “use.” Let’s say it’s an item so obsolete you could not “use” it, but if you hopped in a time machine you would be set (for example, but not my shot, Confederate money).

    Depending on your answer, I may have to access one of my Bs (the other B is an alternative to the one I’m asking about)

    You can use confederate money. I know of several places in Virginia that accept confederate bills at face value.


    I just wanted to say to people archive diving that you don’t need to personally own the thing, but you should be able to USE the thing.

    Define “use.” Let’s say it’s an item so obsolete you could not “use” it, but if you hopped in a time machine you would be set (for example, but not my shot, Confederate money).

    Depending on your answer, I may have to access one of my Bs (the other B is an alternative to the one I’m asking about)

    You can use confederate money. I know of several places in Virginia that accept confederate bills at face value.


    So… do they accept WWII ration stamps as well?


    Not that I’m aware of. WWII didn’t happen here, so there’s not as much demand for relics.


    I just wanted to say to people archive diving that you don’t need to personally own the thing, but you should be able to USE the thing.

    Define “use.” Let’s say it’s an item so obsolete you could not “use” it, but if you hopped in a time machine you would be set (for example, but not my shot, Confederate money).

    Depending on your answer, I may have to access one of my Bs (the other B is an alternative to the one I’m asking about)

    That’s tricky, on the one hand I would like to keep the theme as open as possible, yet aside from orionid‘s 19th Century Merchants in Lower VA, I wouldn’t say that one could USE Confederate money, one HAS Confederate Money. However, if you were to set up a shot where you were paying for something with said money, real or staged, then I would say it works, imagine the kid at McDonald’s taking a Confederate bill.

    And don’t think I do not appreciate the irony that contemporary Virginia will accept Confederate money while know it was basically worthless a year before the end of the Civil War. Bakers would take a bill and lay it on gingerbread, cut off a piece the shape of the bill and that was how much the money was worth.


    Early B-Side:

    Farktography #412 "The Onion On Your Belt" B-Side by FreeVerse Photography, on Flickr

    You say it’s archaic, but I say it never runs out of bullets and you will be looking for one when Zombies show up!




    Suddenly a B-Side
    Suddenly a B-Side

    My father’s family’s ration books from WWII.

    It’s OK… I still have my Washboard B-side now suddenly promoted to A-Side


    A couple B’s:

    Coin wrappers, does anyone still use these let alone change any more?

    Nikkormat FTn – I know not quite as antiquated as some of y’all have when it comes to photo equipment. Maybe I should have dug out the flash that I can’t get the battery for.

    Early 80’s SunTour Cyclone rear derailleur, opted to use the Campagnolo rear derailleur in contest as the ‘technology’ in this design is actually somewhat still in use today – just vastly improved and refined.


    A couple B’s:

    Coin wrappers, does anyone still use these let alone change any more?

    Hell yeah! We save all our change in a big old glass jug. Every couple years we dump it out, wrap it up, and take the cash with us on vacation or just a major road trip. A couple hundred bucks of basically found money.

    I would be totally into doing the Canada thing and ditching paper $1s and going to dollar and 2 dollar coins. It’s a more fiscally prudent method, but Americans aren’t known for making common sense decisions (metric system, anyone?)


    It’d be nice if everyone just moved to debit cards. I bet a sock full of debit cards is easier on the face than pennies.


    Hey Barracuda, isn’t that a 135mm Nikkor-Q? At least that’s what’s written on the front of my copy. =)


    ^ ^ DOH! Completely correct. I was totally half asleep when I was getting my shots ready last night.


    Hm…dunno if Fark changed something under the hood again, but Bibliostats isn’t scraping, whenever you get a chance CauseISaidSo.


    Sorry about that. Again. Not Fark’s fault this time. I really need to get the scraper more automated so it’s not subject to the memory faults of its creator. Did I mention I’m turning 50 in a couple of weeks? 😉

    I was really looking forward to this contest as I hoped to use it as an excuse to dig out the old Heathkit H8 and see if it still fires up, but time was not on my side this week.

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