Beyonce photos.

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  • #50482

    I follow the Hippocratic Oath when it comes to photography: First, do no harm. Unless there is a compelling reason I will never release a photo showing my subject in an unflattering light. And the compelling reason cannot be “I get a paid a lot of money”

    I have done the same thing. I even say the same thing when shooting people. “I’ll never make you to look bad.” Puts people at ease. And, unless we’re going for goofy face, I make sure I follow through.


    When you’re an artist working in the public eye or just in public in general you can’t expect decorum or editing of photos. Look at Makayla the gymnyst from the Olympics and her “quirk” grin. The best thing they could have done is ignore the doozy photos and not draw attention to them if they wanted them to go away. Although making a big deal about them guarantees free publicity out the ying yang so maybe that was the point and the whole thing is a publicity stunt.

    And jeebus, she was wearing next to nothing onstage and she’s worried about a funny facial expression…? Priorities woman.

    ///disappears into the mists again

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