Farktography Party – Go / No-Go (Vote ends 12/12)

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    If approved, specific details can be hammered out over the next month or two. My thoughts so far are basically:

    — Make it a weekend to minimize vacation days needed.

    — Since most of us will be traveling, make it more than just a few hours hanging out.

    — Coinciding with some sort of cultural festival or other photo-friendly event might be cool (is it too late to suggest Datona Beach in early April?).

    — Someone (or several someones) with local knowledge should help plan specifics.

    — Rough itinerary

      Late Friday Eve: Meet and Greet (beer, talk shop, tall tales)
      Saturday: Roam streets as roving horde with cameras, get strange looks from locals, get mugged by staplermofo.
      Saturday Eve: Farktography Party (Double-up with fark party?).
      Sunday: Invest in cheap sunglasses, go home with full memory cards and film canisters, try to recall saturday night.

    Thoughts, comments, concerns, and dancing asian schoolgirl videos are welcomed.


    I’d love Daytona in April. That would rock. And as much as I’d love Seattle, the cost is prohibitive.


    I live in the Seattle area and will help host a party if it is decided there, for me Daytona would be unlikely 🙁

    July – August is a great time here, we have Bite of Seattle and Taste of Tacoma festivals, Seafair which is the biggest festival in Seattle, a number of concert series and generally nice weather.


    Oh man, I thought you guys were talking about meeting in the middle of the country somewhere?


    Oh man, I thought you guys were talking about meeting in the middle of the country somewhere?

    Well, that was my druthers, but the last vote between the most popular choices came out 4-3 in favor of the norwest over the midwest. Unless you count the lone vote for Chicago in the midwest category. Maybe I should have done that and had a revote/tiebreaker. Or maybe we should have two parties and space them out a bit (six months or so?). I still personally lean towards mid America, because that means I’ll drive and therefore see/stop at/do alot more along the way, whereas I’d fly to the NW.


    I’d love Daytona in April.

    Daytona would be unlikely

    I was attempting more to make a subtle joke about chasing scantilly-clad colleg womens down the beach during spring break than actually suggesting Daytona Beach.


    Oh good, here I was thinking maybe it was a subtle NASCAR joke.

    FWIW I could plan in Chicago too, since I grew up there. And it’s only what, a 4 or 5 day drive from New York to Washington?


    Oh man, I thought you guys were talking about meeting in the middle of the country somewhere?

    Well, that was my druthers, but the last vote between the most popular choices came out 4-3 in favor of the norwest over the midwest. Unless you count the lone vote for Chicago in the midwest category. Maybe I should have done that and had a revote/tiebreaker. Or maybe we should have two parties and space them out a bit (six months or so?). I still personally lean towards mid America, because that means I’ll drive and therefore see/stop at/do alot more along the way, whereas I’d fly to the NW.

    Well yeah, Chi-town is in the midwest 😉 I guess I just missed the most recent round of voting and was thinking of the last time it was brought up. Ah well. Have fun storming the castle!


    I was told there was going to be dancing girls.



    Photographically speaking, just slightly east of Seattle is really interesting around this time. Eastern Washington (the Palouse country) has all these rolling hills with black soil planted with green things that make for cool studies in form.

    But we’d have to meet in Eastern Washington.


    For me the where isnt much of a issue, on the right day and scheduled in advance it looks like I could get as cheap of a flight from baltimore to seattle as chicago with southwest. The issue I’ll have is I’m looking for a new job so I can leave where I am now and looking at grad school so I won’t know for a while if I’ll need to be saving all the money I can for school.


    Well…since the vote ended 12/12 and we have more yeses than noes I’m going to suggest a few things for Seattle…first of all does anyone else live up here?


    No, but we’re all crashing at your house. Hope you don’t mind…


    I’ll bring the cheetos.


    Olavf, can I carpool with you guys? It’s only 12 hours. 😀

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