Happy Birthday to Me!

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    My birthday wish was granted, my parents gave me a $125 Amazon gift card.

    So… after scouting a bit on Amazon, I got 5 of the 6 things I wanted (getting the 6th via Best Buy Reward Zone points – a remote trigger).

    + Cokin a154 ND 8x filter
    + Wintec 16gb SD card
    + Western Digital Elements 1tb External Hard Drive
    + Fotodiox Macro Tube set
    + Tulip hood

    I knew I needed the neutral density filter, but today’s outing proved it.

    It was very sunny, and to get the shutter speed i wanted, I had to use 3 filters: polarized, dark sepia, graduated blue.


    A little tweaking in Photoshop, I got closer to reality:

    3-8 days from now, I should have the first 5 items. Hooray!
    FYI – Birthday’s actually 4/22 in case you were wondering.


    Wheee! New toys!

    /and the water looks great!


    Happy Earthday birthday! When I saw your first photo, I thought to myself, there’s something not quite neutral about his neutral filter; the white balance is definitely off there. The touched-up image looks great.


    Great shots. I got a set of ND filters for my birthday earlier in the month as well, in addition to the Holga lens for the XSi (5 days late for the farktography contest), a set of up close filters (the tube set still on the amazon wish list). I need to find some better water features around here like your shots above. I did get a couple decent mid-evening pond/fountain shots: https://picasaweb.google.com/102637182371352471338/PhotographyParksNature#5732199067832424194


    Happy Birthday Yugo. Mine was 4/17 and I have birthday cash to spend but I can’t decide what I want. I’m thinking either extension tubes or a 50 mm prime lens. Decisions, decisions.


    Happy Birthday Yugo. Mine was 4/17 and I have birthday cash to spend but I can’t decide what I want. I’m thinking either extension tubes or a 50 mm prime lens. Decisions, decisions.

    I was pleasantly surprised to find the tubes were the second cheapest thing on the list – under $10. Amazon’s got at least 2 sets listed under $10 (I went with the second cheapest set.) Prices can go way up above that, but when cash is limited, you don’t exactly need a Rolls Royce to get to the grocery store.

    FWIW I picked up the remote today. Best Buy’s got a Rocketfish model for $14.99. We had $15 in RewardZone cash, so (because the subtotal’s got to be more than the rewards) for the price of a candy bar, I got the trigger.


    Yeah, well my bday was 4/24…and I got a leaf blower, reminding me off the yard work I have to do. Yay.

    cool photos.


    Happy Birthday Eden…!

    So far everything’s in but the extension tubes. They are officially a day late now…

    The weather here’s been crap and I haven’t been able to play with my toys… hell, speaking of yard work, the weather’s been so bad I’ll need a baler to wrangle it once we finally get a dry day



    Everything’s in!

    Got a chance to pull out the Neutral Density filter today. Due to the slow shutter speeds, I used the remote trigger as well. Stored the pics on my new HD.

    High Falls downtown:

    This is what it looks like when it’s sunny and shutter speed’s much faster (this was taken 11 months ago):

    Here’s a shot with the Macro tubes, all 3 of ’em (49mm) attached to the 55-200:

    Here’s the same baseball with the tubes on the 18-55:


    blasted, that’s it, I need a set of tubes now, the macro filters I have don’t produce nearly that crisp of an image at the edges. :-/ great shot with the ND filters on the falls as well. Hoping to get some similar shots on my up coming trip in a few weeks, but still don’t think I’ll be anywhere near a set of falls quite that size.

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