Interviewing at Adorama

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    So, I just had an interview to be a camera buyer for Adorama’s used department here in NYC. The interview part was fairly standard but then the took me over the counter, set out a Rolleiflex, a Leica and Nikon D300s and had me go over them. There was also a Large Format View Camera lens.

    It was awesome to play with cameras so expensive I could never touch them otherwise…the Leica M2 was Sweeeeeet!

    I have no idea how the interview went, I knew the gear which was good the older guy working the counter seemed impressed. (He thought he was going to get me with the Large Format lens! Hah!) But he was so busy I don’t know if I will get the job or not.

    How awesome would that be, though, doing nothing but playing with old cameras all day!


    Excellent, here’s hoping you get the jorb!

    (and I’m sure that if you do you won’t forget your farktography buddies if something good comes in,.. right?)


    As long as you remembered to tell them Nikons rule and Canons suck you should be a shoo in.


    As long as you remembered to tell them Nikons rule and Canons suck you should be a shoo in.



    Good luck, but I’d forget about the Nikon/Canon thing. It’s all about the photographer, or says the guy with a 4-models old Canon Rebel XSi.


    Good luck! Did you at least make sure they had your blog and flickr addresses?

    I agree, that would be a neat-o job!

    As a buyer, would you be doing counter, internet, or travel work?


    If you get the job let me know your hours. I’ll take a ride down and you can overpay me for all my old junk. 🙂


    I applied w/ Photojojo, but I’m not sure that they’re actually hiring since the position is still listed. I think they might just be trolling for new merchandise ideas.

    Adorama seems much more businesslike. Good luck getting the job, and feel free to list… um… CISS…, yeah CISS as a reference. 😉


    If you get the job let me know your hours. I’ll take a ride down and you can overpay me for all my old junk. 🙂

    And then I’ll ride up and you can undercharge me for all his old junk.


    Sooo did you ever hear from them?


    Nothing yet, I am kind of bummed. It was a strange interview and I got the feeling they thought I was to young for the job…which is weird since I am 43. Maybe if looked 43 it would’ve helped. The guy who interviewed just kept going back to how old I was, I think he thought I was lying.

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