Photography and Shenanigans in the Deep South

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    So I’m making a photography trek next month and figured I’d leave bits of my schedule here is anyone’s interested in meeting along the way for some shooting fun or a brew.

    June 7-11 Great Smoky Mountain National Park – Mostly centered in the Chataloochee valley, going off the grid in the high country chasing the elk herd. Chasing waterfalls (insert TLC joke here) during mid-day when the herds aren’t moving.
    June 11-13 Nashville – incredibly long shower after a week in the wilderness, Grand Ole Opry, Downtown Nashville, Corvette Museum in Bowling Green KY, and maybe the Johnny Cash Museum if it’s open yet.
    June 13-18th Cleveland, MS – basing out of a friends house in Cleveland, very flexible schedule, likely hitting White River Arkansas, Memphis TN, and lots of small town blues up and down the Mississippi delta valley.


    How far west into Arkansas are you planning to venture?


    Right now, no further than White River reserve. If I can convince the friend that I’m staying with to take a mini-trip to Hot Springs and/or Crater of Diamonds, I’d be all about that. You’re in Oklahoma, no?


    I sense a post outage decompression trip.


    It’s been in planning much longer than that. It’s definitely a post-something decompression trip, but this probably isn’t the forum to go into that.


    Right now, no further than White River reserve. If I can convince the friend that I’m staying with to take a mini-trip to Hot Springs and/or Crater of Diamonds, I’d be all about that. You’re in Oklahoma, no?

    Indeed I am. Tulsa to be specific. If you come within 3 hours or so (maybe longer if it’s a weekend), that’d make a handy excuse for a cycle trip.

    For that matter, if you want to visit OK for a couple of days, you’re welcome here. I’ve got two empty bedrooms.


    I went canoeing on the White River many, many moons ago. I remember falling out of the canoe a lot, and because I can’t swim (the main reason I never thought about joining the Navy) being rather upset about that. Then I discovered that life vests work and enjoyed my trip.

    Beautiful country, I think your photo experience will be fruitful.


    Never been on the White River, but I lived in Little Rock in the early 90’s and there was a group at work there that took an annual trip down the Buffalo (around Harrison, AR) in early April. That was always a lot of fun, both the canoeing and “apres-canoeing” activities. And you’re right – it is beautiful country. Shame it’s wasted on Arkansans. 😛


    Right now, no further than White River reserve. If I can convince the friend that I’m staying with to take a mini-trip to Hot Springs and/or Crater of Diamonds, I’d be all about that. You’re in Oklahoma, no?

    Indeed I am. Tulsa to be specific. If you come within 3 hours or so (maybe longer if it’s a weekend), that’d make a handy excuse for a cycle trip.

    For that matter, if you want to visit OK for a couple of days, you’re welcome here. I’ve got two empty bedrooms.

    Thanks for the offer, but we’ll have to pass for the time being. She’s up for adventure as far as Hot Springs or Lake Ouachita, but we’ll have to play by ear until she knows what her schedule looks like.

    I went canoeing on the White River many, many moons ago. I remember falling out of the canoe a lot, and because I can’t swim (the main reason I never thought about joining the Navy) being rather upset about that. Then I discovered that life vests work and enjoyed my trip.

    Beautiful country, I think your photo experience will be fruitful.

    I really hope so. That part of the world is still new to me, but the more I see online, the more I think cancelling the day trip to White River and making it an overnighter is the better way to go.


    Word to the wise: wear loose clothing and bring plenty of DEET. If you’ve never experienced the indescribable joy of the Chigger then chemical warfare is your friend. It’s been 3 weeks since I was in the Ozarks, and I’m STILL scratching dozens of bites. Not to mention the ticks seemed to be plentiful as well. It’s very pretty country out there, but there’s a reason I’ve been trying to put as much distance between myself and the Mississippi as I can! 😆


    I’ve got the high-test DEET the military gives you when your ship is planning on making a port call in West Africa, so I should be covered there.

    On an unrelated note, anyone ever been to Mammoth Cave? I’ll be 25 miles from it already when I go to the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, and I’ve seen signs for it as far away as Eastern PA for most of my life, so I figure I’ll add it to my itinerary and check it out. NPS website shows about 20 different tour packages available, some cheaper than others, and I’m guessing it’s just for different parts of the cave system. Those who’ve been, have any suggestions on good tours for the photographic aspect?


    I’ve been there but it was as a kid. For a kid it was awesome so that’s how I remember it. I’m sure it’s changed in terms of tours and areas available but I would recommend it, I’d like to go back again some day.


    Those who’ve been, have any suggestions on good tours for the photographic aspect?

    I am interested in this question as well. If the finances hold up we’ll be there this summer, as well.


    Those who’ve been, have any suggestions on good tours for the photographic aspect?

    I am interested in this question as well. If the finances hold up we’ll be there this summer, as well.

    Well, Crap. They have a photographer specific tour that’s limitied numbers and allows tripods and external lighting. It doesn’t start until June 22nd. I’ll be there on the 12th.

    As far as the rest of the tours, they specifically forbid tripods and monopods, and some even forbid flash photography (the old-timey oil lamp tours). I just went through Luray with the new camera body and was pleasantly surprised by shots I was taking at ISO 2000-3200 with less noise than my D90 at ISO 800, but I was still using a monopod there and was pushing the limits still. Most of my shots at Luray were 1/8 to 1/10 at f/3.5.

    I think my plan will be to just show up and do whatever tour looks cool and shoot handheld at 24mm f/2.8 or 50mm f/1.4.

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