Should I Stay or Should I go…

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  • #881
    Snug Tight

    This weekend Senator Obama is going to announce if he will run for president. He is making the announcement in Springfield Il, which is where I work. I live about 15 miles south. I was thinking about going to this thing. I would be mostly going for photo ops, not because of the politics. I am wondering if it would be worth the hassle to take some photos. The pluses would be, I know the area well, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I should be able to park in the garage where my wife works. It is just a few blocks away. The minuses: I would have to get up early, and I am not a morning person, it is going to be brutally cold, and it will be very crowded. Has anyone done anything like this? What do you guys think? Should I go?


    do it. you’ll be pissed at yourself if you don’t.


    yeah, she right. not immediately but at sometime in the future. and besides later you can say you were there when the first black president made his official “i”m running” announcement.

    to bad it’s not colin powell but his time has past.


    I’d go, and I’m allergic to cold.


    If there is ever a question about whether you should take a very limited opportunity or do something less because it is easier, take the opportunity. Life’s too short for regrets and too long to not need memories.

    Except of course when the opportunity is just the opportunity to buy something from a salesman.

    No offense to salesmen, Im just saying…


    I hate mornings and cold, but that’s a hell of an opportunity. I think I’d kick myself if I didn’t go. Go for it, then show us what you get 😉


    Id go, I worked on a campaign in this past election and got to go to the victory party which was fun and as long as they let you bring a camera in(which Im guessing you wont have any problems with) you should have plenty of photo chances because Obama will probably be walking around and talking with a lot of the people there, you may even get the chance to meet and talk to him yourself.
    PS. Im jealous that youre getting to do this instead of me. If you get to meet him tell him he should come on out to Maryland.

    Snug Tight

    Thanks for the input everyboby. Looks like I am going.


    Go go go!
    Try to get him in a position where someone could photoshop him indecently with staplers. You know, just in case he’s president some day.


    I’d definitely go and especially for the photo ops!


    Unless your in the audience with a 200 (or better) telescopic lens you’ll be disappointed. His entourage will consist of local law enforcement and Federal Agents assigned to his detail. Don’t worry, they were there days before securing and setting up for Obama. Here’s what you’ll see… A convoy of vehicles will pull into a heavily guarded drop point, usually a rear entrance at the location. The car will park under a temporary garage (canopy) if outside. If they park inside a garage then consider it the pentagon. You won’t get in, ever. Sometimes the path from the car to the building has a temporary covered walkway so no one can see who’s in it. He’ll be well escorted inside it under armed guard and you won’t be able to get within 200 feet. Even the press has to be in the audience but they can get up close if they’re invited. Good luck with that.

    Snug Tight

    I have the 18-55mm kit lens for the Rebel. I am also bringing a 75-300mm Zoom. I know shaitty glass, I spent way more than we can afford. Thank the FSM I have an understanding wife. I work accross the street from the Old State Capitol where the event is being held. It is going to be outside. I walked around and checked out where the stage is at, different vantage points, stuff like that. I think getting good pictures is going to depend on how early I can get up, and how many people show up. I saw about 30 sat. trucks lined up on the street. I watched some of the Chicago news crews do the live feeds for the 10 o clock news. It should be interesting.


    I think the minimum distance on the 75-300 is 6 feet. That’s a perfect lens to take. Personally, I can’t wait to see your pictures.

    Snug Tight

    Well, I made it. I hope this post makes sense, I am going on about 3 hours sleep. Taking photos was alot harder than I thought it was going to be. After waiting an hour and a half in line to get in, we had to wait anougher hour and a half for the speech. I was 10 degrees out. I was one of the first one to get in, so I tried to get a good position. By time the speech started we were crammed in there shoulder to shoulder and I got moved over to where there was a small tree between me and the stage. It seemed every time I would try and get a shot some one in front of me would hold a camera or sign over their head. Also, if you see in the crowd a guy waving a large American flag, I happened to be standing right next to him. So I got a few blurry close ups of the flag.

    Here is a link to a flicker folder of some of the better ones.

    I think I need a nap.


    Hey, you got some good ones! WTG!!

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