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  • #51011

    I kind of like the burlap for the background, might try a B&W conversion or at least some white balance adjustments as the photos look a tad on the yellow side (indoor lighting does that).

    Nice looking AR platform, I missed the boat on getting one ordered last fall like I was considering. Being a lefty finding one was difficult, now impossible.

    orionid, nice set, a Ruger and S&W fan are we? I’ve got a couple Rugers, both in the pistol and long gun variety. No smiths or 1911’s yet for me, but one of those Ruger 1911’s keep calling my name.

    GP100 .357MAG in 5″

    Yeah, the lighting in the house could use some improvement, but I generally like warmer images, so it’s not absolutely terrible for me.

    As far as ARs go, if you’re a lefty, just get a regular one. I think the only company that makes lefty ones is Stag, and I’ve never understood why they call them “Lefty” anyway, since they don’t actually have left handed controls, just eject to the left instead of the right. If an AR is ejecting properly your face wont get hit with the brass. If anything try to get something with ambi controls, like a KAC or LWRC IC (whenever they actually get around to releasing them). Of course these will cost you more than a regular AR. Prices should be coming back down to reasonable prices since the senate removed a federal AWB from their agenda recently.


    That’s weird that they would start working again at random. And that it would happen to both at the same time.


    The only thing I can think of is that both may have been plugged into something else that killed both boxes. I’ve gone through several on this laptop for some reason. I can’t think of another reason off the top of my head why they both wouldn’t be working.


    The magic cloth technique seems worth a try, but it seems like it’ll take a lot of practice to get it right.

    Lately I don’t catch the sunset on the way home, especially since the time change. It will get harder as the day gets longer.


    I have a 2013 Unlimited Rubicon right now. Before that I had a 2007 JK and before that a 1997 TJ. Around here in Maryland we don’t have very cool Jeep trails, so I have to make do with anything I can find. Below are two Jeep shots. One is completely un-processed, the other I did in Lightroom.


    Thanks. I really wouldn’t have believed what a difference shooting in RAW and post-processing makes until I got Lightroom. Shooting a lot of landscapes when the sun has started to go down makes it very difficult for me to get a perfect exposure for both the sky and the earth. I haven’t messed around too much in Photoshop, just making some HDR shots. The picture above is all done in Lightroom.


    Thanks everyone for the welcome.

    If you’re going to be addicted to something, photography is a good choice. I think heroin might be cheaper, though. 😉 Anyway, welcome! What sorts of photos do you find interest you the most? I’m more of a landscape/still life kinda guy myself and not much into portraiture.

    Hello and welcome! In case no one has said it yet if ya have any questions at all ask away! Most of the rest of these geniuses should be able to help. I would also be interested in finding out what you like to shoot the most. I tend to prefer outdoorsy stuff like landscapes and wildlife and old abandoned vehicles and buildings. And car shows when I can get to them!

    Right now I’m digging landscape/nature shots, but I also like taking pictures of my rifles. The only portraiture I do at the moment is taking pictures of the dog. I’m trying to get some cool pictures of my jeep, but haven’t really been anywhere terribly cool with it since I started taking pictures again.

    The biggest thing for me at the moment is just taking pictures, and finding the time to do so. I’m usually either at work until late and once I get home, by the time cooking, cleaning, etc is done nighttime has fallen. So I’ve been forcing myself to stop at places on my drive home to take pictures where I can pull over safely and pull out the tripod and camera.

    Pull up a stool. You did bring beer, didn’t you?

    I always bring beer 😀 I’ve got about 44 bottles of heffeweizen I brewed last year left in the kitchen along with all sorts of odds and ends.

    Welcome! Pay no attention to the one’s behind the bushes; they’re photographing bugs. They’ll move when they find one under better lighting.

    So I should stop flashing them? Also, should I stop using my flash to take their picture?

    Below is a picture I took about a week ago that I really like:

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