07-18-12 – Freeze Frame

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 07-18-12 – Freeze Frame

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  • #47686

    Annnd I misinterpreted stroboscopic. Was thinking long exposure with strobo flash creating multiple exposures in one frame.

    Nope. Just long exposure in total darkness with one single flash acting as the shutter. Actual exposure is a fraction of a second, and slightly faster than most mechanical shutters.

    /Y’all are going to force me to move my rappatronic project from paper ideas/theories to meatspace, aren’t you?


    Crop that dark corner out and use the MIG. (IMHO,FWIW,OMGWTFBFFBBQ)

    Done and done. That was my original selection as well before I started waffling. Thanks, fluffy!


    if any farker wants a gift month of TF, to enter your photos earlier than usual, let me know, I have one to give. Or, if you know someone who could use a gift month, let me know that too.


    Well, if you don’t mind that it’ll be wasted on me next week (I’m out for the next contest), I’d take it, Morningbreath. Or if someone else can use it fully, feel free to send it their way instead.


    My bees:


    And this one is kind of frozen, but not a very high shutter speed so I didn’t use it: http://www.bender16v.com/fark/farkfreezeb13.jpg , but it was from a marathon(?) run on a very cold morning.

    I really, really tried to get razor sharp dragonflies in flight for this contest. In the past two days I have over 1,000 clicks on my camera and I’m not completely happy with any of them. I’ll keep at it because I’m sure the results will be worth it once I get it right.


    And this one is kind of frozen, but not a very high shutter speed so I didn’t use it: http://www.bender16v.com/fark/farkfreezeb13.jpg , but it was from a marathon(?) run on a very cold morning.

    Looks like it was a tit nipply.


    Fantastic dragonfly shots bender, even if you’re striving for even better. What’s your setup for those? Perhaps it’s the heat outdoors down here at the moment, but can’t imagine being patient enough to get that close or that many shots. (yes, I’m a bit envious)


    if any farker wants a gift month of TF, to enter your photos earlier than usual, let me know, I have one to give. Or, if you know someone who could use a gift month, let me know that too.

    I could use one, never have tried TF. =)


    Well, if you don’t mind that it’ll be wasted on me next week (I’m out for the next contest), I’d take it, Morningbreath. Or if someone else can use it fully, feel free to send it their way instead.

    Done, and its not a waste.

    I found out I actually have a couple more free ones to give if anyone else wants one too.


    if any farker wants a gift month of TF, to enter your photos earlier than usual, let me know, I have one to give. Or, if you know someone who could use a gift month, let me know that too.

    I could use one, never have tried TF. =)

    and there you go too.

    /one left to give


    I could use one, never have tried TF. =)

    and there you go too.

    /one left to give

    Thank you very much! =)


    What’s your setup for those?)

    Thanks! I’ve been trying many different things, all with a 100mm f2.8 macro lens. It’s been hot here too, but I’ve been trying anyway. Some I’ve been chasing around the yard like a moran and last night I spent an hour hanging over the side of my boat on my belly scouring the lily pads. I even tried a motion sensor trigger that I made, but they were too small to set it off. I’m getting better at guessing their movements but these ones haven’t been hovering at all.

    I’m pleased with some of the stills, but really want to get them in flight.
    Still 1, Still 2, and Still 3.


    Done, and its not a waste.

    Thanks MB!


    re: 100mm macro – ‘cuda got to get himself one of those. That and wait till temps cool off till sub 100 in the mid-afternoon so I can stand still long enough to get some close shots. Time and patience is one thing I don’t always have a lot of when out shooting.


    if any farker wants a gift month of TF, to enter your photos earlier than usual, let me know, I have one to give. Or, if you know someone who could use a gift month, let me know that too.

    I could use one, never have tried TF. =)

    and there you go too.

    /one left to give

    If it’s still available, I’d kinda like to be able to get to sleep a little earlier once in a while (2 weeks ago I fell asleep at the computer waiting for midnight).

    Also, Bs at my blog (got a LOT of Bs): http://yugoboy99.blogspot.com

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