08-04-10 – Farktography Classic: Trees 2

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 08-04-10 – Farktography Classic: Trees 2

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    powerfulkatrinka: Here’s a template for linking to a larger version:

    Pops to larger version

    Remove the tags if you don’t want it centered. Remove target=”_blank” if you don’t want it to pop. Replace LargeImageURL and SmallImageURL with the actual image URLs, of course.


    You need to pay attn to your file size, not just your pixel dimensions. If your photo has a lot of fine detail (and foliage is a big one for fine detail) it will vastly drive up your file size even if you resize down to fairly small pixel dimensions. GIMP is another option for photo editing, and it has a preview option that allows you to preview the quality you’re saving at and will even tell you the file size it’s preparing at that quality level. Typically, I only upload Fark size images to Flickr as that just saves the headache for me of trying to post something and finding out after the fact that the file size is too big.


    Flickr Folks: Flickr has been playing with a new photo page for the past month or so, and that may be at least some of the source of the increased hosting issues lately (this was a thought I had, and is as yet unconfirmed, though a Flickr staff person sort of hinted that hosting problems might be tied to the fact that the new photo page was being previewed).

    Today Flickr officially rolled out the new photo page. Curious posted some information on getting your html code from it in the Pub and Grill board (getting the right posting code is different now). Soooo with this change today, watch your photos carefully. I’m hoping that now that the photo page has been completely switched over (as opposed to being switched between new and old constantly) this will take care of hosting issues. However, it’s entirely possible that hosting will continue to be iffy, so if you notice your photos drop or get listed as being swapped for another image, please let me know so I can restore them! I will be watching, too, but you may notice changes with your photos before I do since I’m watching all the photos in the thread.


    PS I don’t know how to click for bigger. I use flickers HTML but it doesn’t seem to link.

    Causel’s is probably easier, but I copy and paste the address of the 640 px as well as the larger version to the scratchpad. I then use the ‘Image’ tool for the first one and the ‘Link (new window)’ tool for the larger one. I then cut and paste the first one into the “Link” part of the second one.

    Clear as mud? Good.

    Scratchpad link –> http://www.fark.com/cgi/comments.pl?IDLink=69

    In regards to the other question – are you using Photoshop?


    PS I don’t know how to click for bigger. I use flickers HTML but it doesn’t seem to link.

    Causel’s is probably easier, but I copy and paste the address of the 640 px as well as the larger version to the scratchpad. I then use the ‘Image’ tool for the first one and the ‘Link (new window)’ tool for the larger one. I then cut and paste the first one into the “Link” part of the second one.

    Clear as mud? Good.

    Scratchpad link –> http://www.fark.com/cgi/comments.pl?IDLink=69

    In regards to the other question – are you using Photoshop?

    I have a text file that I just make a copy of, and replace the links and text. Makes it easier for me to remember the formatting I like 😛


    In addition, Flickr is DOUBLING the file size for reasons I cannot determine. If your source pic on upload is 180k, it will link to Fark from Flickr at 300+ k. I do not know why this is happening, but check your file sizes and you will see it. For tonight I hosted the images from my owner server and linked to Flickr for the larger size.

    My Flickr pro is about to expire, I suspect I will not renew mainly because of of this.

    Anyone who knows why Flickr images are so much larger, I would appreciate the info.

    ETA: This has been going on since the redesign has rolled out, or at least that is when Fark started rejecting my pics for file size.


    olavf: I have a text file that I just make a copy of, and replace the links and text. Makes it easier for me to remember the formatting I like

    That’s exactly what I do, too.

    If anyone’s looking for an image host, I use imgur (www.imugr.com). They’ve been pretty stable for me.


    No U-Man, I’m not up to photoshop yet.


    No U-Man, I’m not up to photoshop yet.

    Completely understood. It was, ummm, made available to me a few years back.

    /i have since actually purchased it.


    Anyone who knows why Flickr images are so much larger, I would appreciate the info.

    Jpegs have an internal compression as part of their formatting to keep them small. There are two kinds of compression: lossy, where some of the information is lost, but in a way that’s hard to tell (think mp3 vs. cd vs. analog record) and lossless where all the data is still there. Lossy is MUCH more efficient, but in situations like a zip file, where you still want your compressed file to be the same, not “good enough,” it’s just not feasible. Jpegs use lossy compression. You can see this when you do “save as” in your editor of choice. Most have a “quality” slider from one to ten or one to twelve – this is the compression put into terms more people will understand. Lower quality, smaller file, less detail. Higher quality, bigger file, more detail.

    My hunch is that since flickr tends to lean towards the photographer or artist showcases, that they default the compression to zero (quality to maximum) when they resize the images, attempting to preserve as much data as possible.


    /i have since actually purchased it.

    You purchased the upgrade for the one you already had, didn’t you?

    /It’s okay, that’s how I did it.
    //And the one that was “provided” came shortly after loaning out my college ID for the academic discount. So, I kinda have more claim to it than the person that paid for it.


    Voting enabled?


    Dear mods: Please envotinate everything.


    d’oh! I *knew* something was missing. I just glanced and saw that all the boxes were ticked 😛


    Dear mods: Please envotinate everything.


    SilverStagLovely choices~~

    orionidreally glad you used one of the beer lens shots.

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