09-12-12 – She Blinded Me With Science!

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 09-12-12 – She Blinded Me With Science!

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  • #2777

    Images which convey a sense of science in action.

    Theme suggestion kudos go to CauseISaidSo!


    “In action” does not require kinetic action, I hope.
    This one’s relatively open, no?

    Plants are photosynthesizing, the sun emits various elements on the visible and invisible spectrum, water equals hydraulics, etc…

    Before I get too into preepping for this, what’s the ruling on animals? Only wild, or just alive?

    Also, what about the social sciences? Can I use archeological remains? What about pics related to sociology or anthropology?


    From CISS‘s original contest suggestion beyond the title: “Leaving this one wide open to interpretation – if your image says “science” to you, I’m good with it.”

    The voters, though… God only knows what they’ll agree upon!!!


    rav’s right – science is in the eye of the beholder, or photographer in this case. If you think it’ll fly with the voters, go for it. I only ask that if it’s not somewhat obvious that a little explanation is provided.


    I’ve actually come up with not one, but a whole TWO ideas for this one. First time I’ve been semi-excited about photography in weeks. Hope they’re executable and come out like what I’m envisioning.


    I’ve been drawing a blank and just now realized that I should have taken photos of the gold Assay in the mining museum I visited this week, doh! I have one idea but I’m not sure if I’ll have time to set up my lead melting pot.


    Question for the mods: “Screen captures are not acceptable”. However, I have a microscope (this one http://www.amazon.com/Carson-Digital-Microscope-Binoculars-Microscopes/dp/B004MNF4BQ/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1347119530&sr=8-6&keywords=zpix that displays a magnified view on-screen, and can be captured with a mouse. So not a screen capture like the PrtSc button (it’s a live-view, captured digitally in the moment), but alson not a camera in the ‘normal’ sense of the word (DSLR, P/S, iPhone).

    In or out. I haven’t used it yet; might gift it out, don’t want to open it if it’s definitely ‘out.’


    Question for the mods: “Screen captures are not acceptable”. However, I have a microscope (this one http://www.amazon.com/Carson-Digital-Microscope-Binoculars-Microscopes/dp/B004MNF4BQ/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1347119530&sr=8-6&keywords=zpix that displays a magnified view on-screen, and can be captured with a mouse. So not a screen capture like the PrtSc button (it’s a live-view, captured digitally in the moment), but alson not a camera in the ‘normal’ sense of the word (DSLR, P/S, iPhone).

    In or out. I haven’t used it yet; might gift it out, don’t want to open it if it’s definitely ‘out.’

    Gift it out? That’s a treat of a toy!

    If you don’t know a 12-year-old who’d use it into the ground, let me get dibs in before orionid.

    My dad was a science teacher for decades, and would sometimes bring home lab equipment (like microscopes) to play with. If science didn’t need so damn much math, my life’s course may have been way different.


    Question for the mods: “Screen captures are not acceptable”. However, I have a microscope (this one http://www.amazon.com/Carson-Digital-Microscope-Binoculars-Microscopes/dp/B004MNF4BQ/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1347119530&sr=8-6&keywords=zpix that displays a magnified view on-screen, and can be captured with a mouse. So not a screen capture like the PrtSc button (it’s a live-view, captured digitally in the moment), but alson not a camera in the ‘normal’ sense of the word (DSLR, P/S, iPhone).

    In or out. I haven’t used it yet; might gift it out, don’t want to open it if it’s definitely ‘out.’

    Personally I’d be ok with allowing it but I’d say wait to see if anyone else has an opinion.


    Question for the mods: “Screen captures are not acceptable”. However, I have a microscope (this one http://www.amazon.com/Carson-Digital-Microscope-Binoculars-Microscopes/dp/B004MNF4BQ/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1347119530&sr=8-6&keywords=zpix that displays a magnified view on-screen, and can be captured with a mouse. So not a screen capture like the PrtSc button (it’s a live-view, captured digitally in the moment), but alson not a camera in the ‘normal’ sense of the word (DSLR, P/S, iPhone).

    In or out. I haven’t used it yet; might gift it out, don’t want to open it if it’s definitely ‘out.’

    Personally I’d be ok with allowing it but I’d say wait to see if anyone else has an opinion.

    I am also ok with this idea Rav


    If it’s any clarification, it’s an internal camera in the scope, 640×480 VGA res, about 1/3 Mpxl, with interpolation up to 1600×1200, per the instruction manual (yeah, had to peek). 5x optical zoom. f/3.6. And it does actually have a shutter button on top of the scope. (I think I may gift this one and get the one with 1.3 Mpxl…)


    If science didn’t need so damn much math, my life’s course may have been way different.

    You could have majored in one of those fluffy sciences (like the ones that end in -ology) where they’re mostly concerned with naming things: biology, geology, zoology, cryptology, Egyptology, physiology, psychology, sociology, Farkology,… Ok, maybe not cryptology.


    Arrrrgh! My own dang theme and I’ve got nothing for it and no ideas yet. Hope y’all are faring better than me…


    Hope y’all are faring better than me…



    Couldn’t find a prop for one shot (and ran out of money even if I did; ironically in 2 days I’ll have boo-coo bucks, today I have $2.14). Can’t find the 1/2mm x1/2mm subject for the second. Don’t have the will to iron creases out of 20 sq ft of canvas for the third. Probably sitting this one out; may find something in the arch’s, but it will (again) be weak. I hate the 12 hour night shift. And the overtime that I’ve yet to collect for. And my own procrastination/laziness/lack of determination/weak spirit most of all. I think I need a nap.

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