11-02-11 – State Fair

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    f/1.2, go!

    That would be nice. Sadly, I can only afford f/1.8 right now.


    The State Fair of Louisiana Livestock Department is responsible for a majority of the events which take place on the Fairgrounds. Besides planning and conducting all the livestock shows throughout the 17-day State Fair, the Livestock staff also handles ?off-season? events.

    that fair is running now through Nov 13th. it’s in Shreveport which is almost the polar opposite side of the sate and a 6+ hour drive.


    A picture taken at the State Fair (county fairs, etc. count too).

    By my read, a city fair would be ok, too, yes?

    How about shots from a Maker Faire?


    Bandy yes a city fair is fine. What’s a Maker Faire?


    To give you an idea of what I thought should be included here are two fairs at opposite ends of the spectrum that I would consider to be okay.




    Just how closely are we going to call the “clearly show it was at the fair” thing? This summer, I spent a hot humid evening at the fair with my girls (Mom was smart and stayed home :)) and brought a Canon and a 50 mm. I took some portraits of the carnies. With some, you can’t tell at all that I am at the fair. With others, you can sort of tell but it isn’t clear.

    Would a carnie portrait with blurred neon be OK? Like this – http://photos.imageevent.com/ulle17/fark/carnie_3822t.jpg

    How about a carnie with an essentially featureless setting? Like this – http://photos.imageevent.com/ulle17/fark/carnie_3656c.jpg


    I think if you labled it “Carnie” or gave a quick two-line backstory, it’d be fine. But that’s just opinion, not an official ruling.


    Bandy yes a city fair is fine. What’s a Maker Faire?

    Whoa, a virgin! A Maker Faire is put on by Make Magazine … which is part of the do-it-yourself revival (cf. Instructibles on YouTube). People working in anything from fibers to metals, often repurposing something.


    At a Maker Faire, you’ll find vendors hawking their stuff (think: electronic kits to custom-made guitars), a local bicycle advocacy group with their human-powered carnival rides, soldering lessons, people racing highly-modified Power Wheels cars (the kind kids drive around), etc. The two big ones are in New York and (just south of) San Francisco, and there are also a few other local Mini Maker Faires scattered about the country. Kansas City’s went full-sized this year, housed in (and next to) Union Station.


    Sounds cool. I’m not sure if that would fit in this theme but I’ll let Pope_Larry make the final call on that.


    My intent was for it to be the local agricultural exhibit. Where I am, at the end of summer/fall there are agricultural fairs, where people used to exhibit what they’ve grown that year (or raised in the case of livestock). Now it’s more of a carnival with rides (and demolition derbies).

    Although I think I’d like to go to a Maker Faire, it is not what I had in mind for the contest.


    I am not a fair goer either. However, the county fair grounds are in an a town close by. I’ve wandered around taking pics of a “sleeping” fair grounds. Hopefully that will be okay.


    I just found out that the county that I live in does have a fair. We’re half suburban hell and tend to forget about the rural parts of the county, despite the fact that the hold-outs still grow corn on their as-yet-undeveloped land between subdivisions. I’ve missed three so far?maybe I have some older county fair prints somewhere?


    Just for clarification, Street Fairs are (ah hah!) fair game? My entries all revolve around people at the San Gennaro Festival at ten day long orgy of grease, tacky prizes and something about a dead Italian they wedge in there for about ten minutes between the greasy food and prizes.


    Ennnuipoet, as I mentioned up thread, this was intended to be about the ‘local’ agricultiral festival. (I use the word local loosely). However, at this point I think I’ll ease up on that definition and let street fairs and makers faire go and let the voters decide.


    Hey, would a shirt with the words “METAL AS FUCK” on it be SFW? Or would I have to blur & link?

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