12-28-11 – Farktography Classic: B-Sides and Unreleased Trac

Forums Forums Farktography General Chat This week’s contest 12-28-11 – Farktography Classic: B-Sides and Unreleased Trac

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    Show us the shots you almost used for a previous theme. Include the theme name in your post.

    Original theme idea courtesy of mopsy and NoBigDeal


    Having only really gotten serious about this mid-year, may I go back to themes in the first few months to see if I’ve got any good images, or am I limited to contests I entered?

    Second Query:
    While I know no one can actually tell one way or the other, is it kosher (if I’m maintaining strict adherence to rules) to use shots taken AFTER a contest that fit a previous contest? (For example, I’m thinking of a shot of stairs I got in Italy that I could not submit because the stairs contest either was that week or a few weeks before)

    Whatever the answers, I’ll be a good Yugoboy.


    Last time the photos had to be taken prior to the contest and I think we said you had to compete in that contest as well. Also as I was skimming through last years thread I noticed that we talked about putting a time limit of the previous year on future b-sides contests if we made it a yearly thing. Is this something people still want to do or should we leave it open to any contest regardless of how old the contest was again?


    For this theme Yugoboy I do agree with linguine – they should be alternates you could have but didn’t use.

    However I don’t think we need a time limit this time since the last B-sides theme was before I started playing, so at least 2.5 years ago. If we are making it an annual thing then I think next year we should implement a “prior year” clause.


    Thanx for the clarity. I’ll be careful of what I use.


    I agree with all the guidelines so far given. These should be photos you really almost decided to use but did not. It gives you a second chance to see if the one you did not enter should have been the one entered. Does that help?


    I went a step further and eliminated any archive dive theme, the only entrants are shots I actually took specifically for this theme and did not use. I had a surprising number this year and looking back over the year’s voting stats, I probably should’ve used the B’s.


    Can we have a theme of “Oh, *sure* now I find the farking thing?” I found an old film print of the post office in Bill, Wyoming (population about 12) and it would work in two different past themes.


    We’ve actually done that theme–“A Day Late and a Dollar Short”–feel free to suggest doing it again on the themes board!


    I’m going to need an OBO tonight. orionid probably will need one too. Let me know and I’ll PM you the codes (once I decide what I’m submitting heh heh)


    I’m going to need an OBO tonight. orionid probably will need one too. Let me know and I’ll PM you the codes (once I decide what I’m submitting heh heh)

    I can cover ya’ll this evening if you like. Never done it before so unsure of the procedures and protocols, don’t assume I know what I am doing.


    You just post your entries, then you post mine. I have the text all written out for you and tested via scratchpad. Just copy paste. I’ll PM you the code.


    Just my luck, a few months ago I cleaned out my contest folders, leaving only the ones I actually entered. Serves me right for trying to organize something.

    I have a Triptych that has one different panel out of the three than the one that was entered. Would that qualify?


    Just my luck, a few months ago I cleaned out my contest folders, leaving only the ones I actually entered. Serves me right for trying to organize something.

    I have a Triptych that has one different panel out of the three than the one that was entered. Would that qualify?

    Obviously the “qualify” question is up to mopsy and NoBigDeal and possibly Elsinore, but one of my entries this week was going to be a panel from a tiptych that I did not use, but I changed my mind in favor of another b-side from another contest. So now I have a b-side from a b-side contest. When does that contest come around? Every hundred years?


    Yeah, I’m trying to cull 3 B-sides from a group of about 24. Does that make the alts C-sides and if so, which part of the record was side C? 🙂

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