What a Farktography web site based on Wordpress might look like
Forums › Forums › Projects and Collaborations › Projects › Pass the blankamera
weird….at leats there’ll be some surprises (or not, if it was blank to start with). Have fun!
Ok… I may cheat and use my regular camera for metering 🙂 Then take pictures, though I snapped several just playing with it already. I think its going to drive me nuts having to send film off for developing!
pictures of the infamous camera http://www.farktography.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=35208#35208
Ok. I sent off the first roll for processing….
if there are shots of dopey-looking kids, then it’s my house sitter. I remember that i loaded a new roll before I left…..apologies, forgot about that.
I will keep that in mind! 🙂 I just finished off the Roll and sent it off. i wish I had more time to take pictures! …
Alright, the first Roll came back from the developer. I will scan and post as soon as I can! Still working on the second roll
Looks like Jpatten still has it. Anyone heard from him lately or know him IRL?
He’s been active on Flickr as of September. Haven’t seen him here or on Fark since last year. weird…guess he don’t like us no more 🙁
I am still here. I am sorry I got started in school and life got busy. Who does it go to next?
Oh, hai!
We weren’t trying to be pushy, it just came up in tonight’s thread. I’m honestly not sure who’s next in line.
Thats ok. I know I haven’t been around much. I need to get my totalfark back and get back to farktography at some point.
We’ll be here with open arms. Wait, that sounded ghey. NTTAWWT.
If no one else speaks up, Kestrana and I will take the Blankamera. I’ll leave a few days response time then PM the address.
Yea!! We miss you!! LOL!