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  • #2698

    Bought myself a $30 opaque projector a month or so ago, and have been having a lot of fun with it.

    But Thursday, a friend (and occasional model) came to me and said she wanted to do something for Dio de la Muerta perhaps involving makeup (which I suck at) or maybe with the projector.

    I pinged a lady I know into the thread that does some AWESOME muerta-inspired art and asked if she’d be interested in doing a collaboration. She was down, so I sent her a photo of Kat, which she then did a line art drawing based off of.

    Her drawing is here –

    And I took that and scaled it for my little projector, and this is what came out if it –

    I’m really excited to do the ‘real thing’ now.

    Oh, and sorry I haven’t been around much lately. I’ve been having some personal issues, and just haven’t been able to keep up with as many things as I’d like. I’ll be back soon – I promise.


    That’s awesome!

    Hope all is well. We miss you!


    Thanks NBD. I’ve got some new doctors and some shiny little pills and they seem to be helping things somewhat. I’m not quite feeling ‘normal’ but I’m able to go out in public again for the first time in six months. I’ll get there 😉

    Dunno if I have anything for the upcoming contests – this is the first time I’ve been back to .net in a while – but I’ll jump back in the ring as soon as I can.


    Awesome. This is along the same lines of what I’ve been wanting to do with a slide projector and lots of organic or industrial textures on slide. Can’t wait to see more.


    This is very cool… what a neat effect.


    Orionid I pinged you on G+ earlier, but I’m getting a 1950’s Army Signal Corps 1000W opaque projector this weekend – someone’s giving it to me. All I had to do is pay $60 in shipping (sucker weighs 75 pounds with the case) and a $30 bulb off eBay

    So if you want my dinky little $30 projector to play with, I’ll mail it to ya. You’ll need a 75W incandescent bulb (part of my problem is that I’ve been playin with a 60W)

    Thanks Chupa I’m hoping the final series will be so much more – I need more contrast and would love to have multiple people in some of the pieces.


    Orionid I pinged you on G+ earlier, but I’m getting a 1950’s Army Signal Corps 1000W opaque projector this weekend – someone’s giving it to me. All I had to do is pay $60 in shipping (sucker weighs 75 pounds with the case) and a $30 bulb off eBay

    So if you want my dinky little $30 projector to play with, I’ll mail it to ya. You’ll need a 75W incandescent bulb (part of my problem is that I’ve been playin with a 60W)

    If orionid doesn’t want it, I do. Let me know.

    Last time I got to play with an opaque projector, my dad brought one home from school and I made a bunch of Bloom County shirts with some Sharpies. Wish I still had those…
    (damn… that was a LONG time ago!)

    If orionid wants a slide projector instead, he can let me know. I’ve got one (a Kodak one, even!) sitting in the attic. The only reason I’d need it, I’ve got a slide scanner to deal with (showing slides in class) instead.


    Yugoboy this is the one I bought to experiment with

    It’s only 75W so you need a dark room, and can’t do a very large area if you want sharp, but it’s cheap and fun!

    The next level up for new ones are around $200.


    Orionid I pinged you on G+ earlier, but I’m getting a 1950’s Army Signal Corps 1000W opaque projector this weekend – someone’s giving it to me. All I had to do is pay $60 in shipping (sucker weighs 75 pounds with the case) and a $30 bulb off eBay

    So if you want my dinky little $30 projector to play with, I’ll mail it to ya. You’ll need a 75W incandescent bulb (part of my problem is that I’ve been playin with a 60W)

    If orionid doesn’t want it, I do. Let me know.

    Last time I got to play with an opaque projector, my dad brought one home from school and I made a bunch of Bloom County shirts with some Sharpies. Wish I still had those…
    (damn… that was a LONG time ago!)

    If orionid wants a slide projector instead, he can let me know. I’ve got one (a Kodak one, even!) sitting in the attic. The only reason I’d need it, I’ve got a slide scanner to deal with (showing slides in class) instead.

    Sorry, YugoBoy, I’d already called dibs over at G+. I actually have a couple different slide projectors already, and I’ve been slowly, but steadily filling up rolls of Velvia. So thanks for the offer, but I’ll pass.

    I figure when the opaque becomes limiting, I can just swap out the glass, add a bigger fan, and toss in a 200W photoflood…..


    orionid or get one like the one I’m getting

    Here’s on for $130 –


    (I’d better shut up now before Carolyn murders me when y’all come and visit)


    We’re allowed to visit you? I’m heading up the coast from LA to SF today. I could pay you a visit on Thursday. I can provide references if needed. 🙂


    Lol! I’m a recluse, but not that bad. As I said in the PM – Lunches are difficult, but you’re more than willing to couch surf 🙂


    It’s OK orionid… I’ve got the LCD projector the district gave me. As soon as I get a room with a smartboard, I’ll feel more comfortable pulling it out for personal usage (bulbs are >$200 and if I blow it, it’s on me).


    So this was on my doorstep when I got home today. I don’t have the bulbs yet, and may need to jerry-rig a power cord, but yeah.

    It’s mean, it’s green, and is taking up the dining room floor. And it even still smells like military equipment (If you don’t know what I mean, all I can say is it has to be experienced – there’s nothing like it)


    I bet you could project bat signals into the stratosphere with that thing!

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