X-mas wishes

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    Ok everyone, gather ’round and tell Santa, or Hanukkah Harry, or Uncle Remus (or whoever brings Kwanzaa gifts), or the Jolly Pasta Pirate, or even the pawn broker down the block, what you’re hoping for this holiday season.

    I want an 8 color, 1000+ dpi photo printer capable of letter sized media.


    I already have mine, my Crown Graphic, so I am happy! 🙂


    Standard answer:

    If I had one wish that I could wish this holiday season, it would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing together in the spirit of harmony and peace.

    /If I had two wishes that I could wish for this holiday season, the first first would be the crap about the kids.. and the second would be for high resolution 35mm negative and print scanner (suggestions on this topic are very much welcome).


    Peace on Earf and a cheap car before I really do freeze my ass off riding to work.


    Real wish: 600 or 800mm lens for nature/architecture/sports work

    Reality sets in: 2x teleconverter and some filters (and SD cards… always more SD cards)


    I just want time to play with the toys I’ve already got.


    I will echo the last two wishes, a 600mm lens and a time/weather to go out and use what I have. I prefer mild temperatures, but snow is also O.K. It seems that every day I have had any time off it has been in the 30s or 40s and rainy which I don’t like.


    Peace on Earth, and good will towards men.

    //Especially that 22 yr old hottie that moved in next door. I’d like to find that under my mistletoe this year, stat.


    Already been said, but my most hoped-for wish is more time to play with what I already have.


    OK… this is why you gotta listen to people when you ask what they want.

    So, my parents asked. I said I’d like a gift card to Amazon so I can buy equipment. My parents, being the wonderful people they are went out and got me $100 at a local audio/video/photo place. I also have about $40 at Amazon from different people. With the two together, I could do something… separately, I’m not getting as whole lotta anything (the local place’s prices are not in any way competitive with Amazon).

    Not that I’m ungrateful… I’ll figure something out, but it doesn’t look like I’m getting either a 2x teleconverter or a decent flash… more toys, but no tools.

    Oh well… when I figure out the toys I’m getting, I’ll let you guys know, and review ’em for ya.


    Now that X-mas has come and gone, it’s time to dish about all the loot.

    I got a pair of Cole-Haan loafers from my mom without a lot of her typical trying to cheap out and find them at an outlet store. And these are the new model with Nike Air technology. I’m thinking about picking up another pair of the original version from Zappos. I don’t really know what these have to do with photography, but black patent leather shoes really do reflect up, just in case you were wondering.

    For photo related stuff, I picked up a kit of a dozen foam photo-frame DIY ornaments, and assembled them all with portrait pics of my nieces et al. from last summer’s family trip to Disneyland. They were very popular with mom and grandma. I also got my sister-in-law a nice glossy photography tutorial book put together by some British photo magazine. She got a nice Canon P&S (5-25mm, f/2.8-5.6?) with full manual modes (including manual focus) from my brother, so the book goes with that.


    I got my x-mas wish (it’s the same every year): to spend time with my family. I had Christmas dinner with my wife, my Dad, sister, BIL and niece and nephew. The fun part is the kids are 3 and 1 years old, they are entertainment. My niece spent the entire time in her undies (to be fair she was puking when we got there, she got better quickly after that) and my nephew decided to take off half way through a diaper change. Neither kid, nor my sister seemed phased by this, my wife and I were laughing and planning the vasectomy.

    As for camera gear, none yet. But today we go shopping, I’m planning on picking up a Nikon 50mm lens.


    hey Pope_Larry_II Thanks for the little gift. Wasn’t expecting that when I woke up this morn.


    I bought the Canon 50mm f/1.4. Arrived Christmas Eve; I was out of town. Apt. office closed on the 25th, picked up on the 26th. Won’t get to play with it till next week, due to work. :o(


    Talent. Can I have some more of it? ^_^

    Actually, I want a DSLR that shoots decent video. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not really into it but let’s call it some kind of assignment. Budget is low so I was told a Canon 60D should do. Currently testing a D7000 but I’m not impressed.

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